Looking to upgrade a prebuilt

Jul 23, 2018
I bought this last summer: https://support.hp.com/us-en/product/omen-by-hp-870-200/13687063/model/15741160/document/c05389962. My question is, will I be able to fit a 1080 into this? The specific card I am eyeing is https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814137307&Tpk=N82E16814137307. Sorry for the noobie question, I am still a little unfamiliar with what I actually have at the moment. Thanks in advance!
There are 2 potential issues with upgrading the GPU. First, is how much space is available for the GPU. The GTX1060 in your PC is 173mm long, i.e. is a short/compact card. While the GTX1080 is 312mm long. Without knowing the exact internal dimensions of your PC's case, I'm pretty certain it's not going to fit. Second, the GTX1060 uses one 6 pin power connector. The GTX1080 needs a 6 pin and 8 pin power connectors. You'll need to open up the case an see if there's an additional GPU power connectors available. For a pre-built, I'm guessing that it only has the one 6 pin connector.
There are 2 potential issues with upgrading the GPU. First, is how much space is available for the GPU. The GTX1060 in your PC is 173mm long, i.e. is a short/compact card. While the GTX1080 is 312mm long. Without knowing the exact internal dimensions of your PC's case, I'm pretty certain it's not going to fit. Second, the GTX1060 uses one 6 pin power connector. The GTX1080 needs a 6 pin and 8 pin power connectors. You'll need to open up the case an see if there's an additional GPU power connectors available. For a pre-built, I'm guessing that it only has the one 6 pin connector.