Looking To Upgrade Gpu


Feb 25, 2015
Hi I have a Fx-6300, and wanting to upgrade from x2 7850 crossfire to something better just want a single gpu without bottle necking the CPU and i don't want to overclock, and another question is if i wanted to upgrade the CPU that my motherboard can handle which fx series should i get next.
Asus M5A99X EVO R2.0
Kingston 8Gb 1600 Mhz
900 Watt Antec Gamer Series PSU
I don't think you can upgrade much on the AMD side when it comes to your CPU. One of the major downsides of the brand.

If you want a faster single chip I think you are looking at 280x/290/290x territory.

Bottlenecking is a BS marketing term often used by people who don't really understand what it actually means or what the actual "bottleneck" effect is.

Can I ask why you wish to upgrade? Those cards in crossfire can handle anything on 1080p totally ok.
I don't think you can upgrade much on the AMD side when it comes to your CPU. One of the major downsides of the brand.

If you want a faster single chip I think you are looking at 280x/290/290x territory.

Bottlenecking is a BS marketing term often used by people who don't really understand what it actually means or what the actual "bottleneck" effect is.

Can I ask why you wish to upgrade? Those cards in crossfire can handle anything on 1080p totally ok.
You'll have to overclock that CPU if you want to upgrade to something like the R9 290/GTX 970 range. Not sure what your budget is, but ideally you should upgrade your CPU as well as your GPU if you want anything more powerful than a GTX 970.

I want to upgrade because i just want one card for now that card is pretty old.. and less noise and power. Is there are major difference from 280x and 290 in performance
Perhaps you could upgrade your CPU and GPU with your budget:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD FX-8320E 3.2GHz 8-Core Processor ($128.99 @ Directron)
Video Card: XFX Radeon R9 280 3GB Double Dissipation Video Card ($169.99 @ Micro Center)
Total: $298.98
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-02-25 13:26 EST-0500

The 8320E should be compatible with your motherboard.

Read this: http://www.overclock.net/t/1530652/r9-280x-vs-290

But that Cpu doesn't look like a good upgrade from 6300 it just has like 2 more cores? maybe i don't see what your seeing, but i will do that if you can provide why that is a good cpu for a 280x or 290

I just want to start by saying im a amd fan all the way, but i dont see the fx 8350 being a good buy, not when the i5 4460 is the same price but offers better performance, the fx 6300 is a great cpu, i use it myself and i think it would be more worth your money to get a aftermarket fan and oc it to 4.3ghz. The fx 6300 paired with a good gpu should last you a while, cpu's last much longer than graphics cards.

You're not taking into account that OP has a budget and if he were to go with an i5-4460, he'd have to get a new motherboard as well. The i5-4460 is obviously better for gaming.

I think you wouldn't have to OC it as much as you would a 6300 to avoid bottlenecks.

EDIT: This thread suggests getting an 8320 for gaming when comparing the 6300 vs 8350 for gaming http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-1765227/amd-6300-8350-gaming-performance.html