looking to upgrade graphics card to game


Oct 4, 2015
I'm currently looking to upgrade my graphics card so I am able to play games like Ark and DayZ on at least medium settings, preferably high unless I am beyond my budget (around $300).
These are my specs below, would I have to upgrade other things as well? I do have adobe programs as well as sims taking up space on my computer.

Operating System
Windows 8.1 64-bit
Intel Core i5 4690K @ 3.50GHz
Haswell 22nm Technology
16.0GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 666MHz (9-9-9-24)
Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. H97-D3H-CF (SOCKET 0)
22M45 (1920x1080@60Hz)
Intel HD Graphics 4600 (Gigabyte)
4095MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 (Gigabyte)
1863GB Seagate ST2000DX001-1CM164 (SATA)

Thanks in advance! :)
Well you need faster ram maybe, running at 1600Mhz or something like that. But your build seems to be enoght to run those games at 1080p at high settings. I'm not sure if you would reach the 60fps, but the will be very playable.


I can run them at high settings but they don't run 60 fps so I have to turn them down a bit. I thought it was all the Adobe programs and other games taking up space but I do have about 900gb of space left so that shouldn't be it. It's probably the ram then xD
I'm thinking of a gigabyte gtx 960 though, would that be compatible ?? Excuse my noobness with computers

its not the ram

its the fact that those 2 games currently run like shit no matter what system you have

a 760 is still good

a 960 is about ~5-10% faster
Your best upgrade path would be to jump to the EVGA GTX 970 SC ACX http://www.amazon.com/EVGA-GeForce-Super-Cloc.... You have a great setup so far but this will give you the best performance boost in your budget range. I would just grab a used one that's in great shape or even a refurb.

About the RAM, your RAM speed means absolutely nothing. 1333MHz RAM vs. 2400MHz RAM will show no gaming performance increase or real world performance increase in 95% of scenarios and you also have to check the CAS latency which can get horrendous in the higher speed RAM. It's all marketing...
If you think your CPU is lagging behind then you can overclock, although this has little effect in most games, but much more beneficial in some real world examples, and I doubt that your CPU is not good enough, this is just a heads up
You could go for more and better ram, but it is the same case as above.
IMO you don't need to dish out an extra $200 AUD for better performance with a 970, the 950 or 960 will do you just fine. You don't need 100 fps on ultra super high settings
Go for an evga 960 or 950 ftw if you want a good quality graphics card.

will definitely look into that. Thank you!

edit: found this one http://www.msy.com.au/sa/elizabeth/pc-components/15905-gigabyte-n960oc-4gd-4g-gtx-960-oc-pci-e-vga-card.html would this one perform just as good ?
Or should I just spend the extra and get something like this ?

thanks for your help!