Looking to upgrade my desktop case


Feb 14, 2017

I am looking to upgrade my desktop mid tower case, mine at the moment is old, has little space to upgrade components/add accessories and has not very good fans placements. I don't know exactly what to look for, hence why I am here, like can all cases fit all my hardware (mobo, gpu, cpu ect) in it or do I need to look for something in particular. For details like color and price, I would like something black or a darker color, and for price something around 120$ maximum, but am willing to increase if there is a particular good case that has been well received.

Any help and or suggestions would be much appreciated!



My motherboard is an H110M PRO-D https://ca.msi.com/Motherboard/H110M-PRO-D.html

For PSU mine is an EVGA 500 W1 https://www.evga.com/products/product.aspx?pn=100-W1-0500-KR

My gpu is an gtx 1060 6gb https://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487275&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwordsCA-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwordsCA-PC-_-pla-_-Video+Card+-+Nvidia-_-N82E16814487275&gclid=CLjrvanhgtUCFYlhfgodQ08CiQ

Hope this helps!
To help you further filter the case selection (aside from the black or darker color and 120$ budget), can you provide info on the following:

1) Motherboard Size (ATX, mATX, or ITX?) - Please provide brand and model #
This determines the general size of your case. ITX mobos can fit in ITX, mATX and ATX cases. mATX mobos can fit in mATX and ATX cases. ATX mobos can only fit in ATX cases. Special (larger) mobos such as EATX need specific ATX cases that must support the specific size of such EATX mobo. The PCIe slot layout also plays into consideration (against the case's number of expasion slots) if you are using a multi-GPU setup.

2) CPU Cooler Type (Air Cooler or Liquid Cooling?) - Please provide brand and model #
In the case of air cooler, you need to determine if the height of the cooler would fit the width of the case. In the case of liquid cooling, you need to determine the size of the radiator/fans if there are enough radiator/fan mount location inside your case.

3) GPU (Length and Quantity) - Please provide brand and model #
The length of the GPU plays a crucial factor in determining case depth. Some longer GPUs may fit in smaller cases but sacrifices some HDD cages in the front. If you are into multi-GPU setups, the case's number of expansion slots must also be compared with your motherboard's PCIe slot layout, if all your GPUs would be able to fit inside.

4) PSU (Form Factor and Cable Modularity) - Please provide brand and model #
In some cases, PSU length has some limitations (but rarely a critical factor). If you are using an ATX PSU, most cases are compatible. If you are using a SFF (small form factor) PSU, you need a case that supports such PSU mounting (or use a SFF-to-ATX adapter bracket, if you can find one). If aesthetics is a concern, especially if your PSU in non-modular, you may want to get a case that has a PSU shroud or a case that has dual-chamber layout (where the PSU and its cables are well hidden).

5) Number of Storage Drives - Please provide current number of drives and possible additional drives in the future
You need to determine how many 3.5" and 2.5" drives you need to install inside your case, as well as, seldomly, if you need a 5.25" optical disk drive in your PC.

6) Window or Non-Window Panel - Please tell us your preference
Some like to show-off or have visual access to the innards of your PC without taking the panel off. Some don't like window panels and prefer a solid panel (or even a side panel with an additional case fan mounting location). Window panels can be acrylic or tempered glass. Some side panels are swing/swivel type, some have easy-release latches, most are not. Please tell us what you prefer.

7) Minimalist or "Gamer-Style" Design - Please tell us your preference
Some prefer simple box type with clean looks, some prefer alien spaceship type design with exaggerated looks.

8) Sound "Proof" (Minimal Noise) or High Airflow - Please tell us your preference
Some cases are designed with noise dampeners and lesser open vents to minimize noise levels at the expense of lesser airflow. Some cases are designed with numerous cross-ventilation and openings to maximize air flow at the expense of noise (and dust, if not provided with sufficient filters).

9) Specific Case Dimensions (Cube case? Mini-Tower? Full-Tower?) - Please tell us your preference
Depends on where you will put the case (on your desk? on the floor beneath your desk? on a shelf? etc.). Some cases, like most cube cases, have its motherboard tray laying flat, which allows for a case dimension with a shorter height (but larger width). Most cases are tower-type, which is higher but narrower. Cases also differ in depth, so, check the location if the case depth will be sufficient or not.

10) Weight and Material - Please tell us your preference
Some cases use plastic and steel. Some cases use aluminum. Some want a heavier case for stability (esp. with the PSU bottom-mounted). Some prefer a lighter case that can easily be transported in case of frequent moving (or LAN parties).
mATX motherboard case needs to have mounts for mATX- pretty much any mATX/ATX case will fit here
standard ATX PSU- standard size not an issue - any case
Full length video card. must make sure the case can hold an 267mm/10.5 inches video card.
most of the cases should be able to fill the requirements which are:
mATX or bigger
267mm card length


Hello, thank you for the help!

1. My mother board is an MSI H110M PRO-D, and I think it is a mATX https://ca.msi.com/Motherboard/H110M-PRO-D.html#hero-overview

2. I have a Corsair h75 liquid cpu cooler http://www.corsair.com/en-us/hydro-series-h75-liquid-cpu-cooler

3. For my GPU I only have one which is an EVGA Geforce GTX 1060 6Gb full size https://www.amazon.ca/EVGA-GeForce-Support-Graphics-06G-P4-6262-KR/dp/B01LZ3VNG0/ref=sr_1_3?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1499835087&sr=1-3&keywords=EVGA+GeForce+GTX+1060+6GB

4. My PSU is an EVGA 500w https://www.evga.com/products/product.aspx?pn=100-W1-0500-KR

5. I have one storage dtive which is an TOSHIBA DT01ACA100, I don't plan to get another storage drive but having the option would be nice.

6. Windowed would be preferred.

7. I would be happy with either or.

8. I would prefer a case with more airflow, noise does not matter to me.

9. Is there a mid-tower option? That is what I have now, also my computer is sitting on my desk so there is lots of room.

10. Again I am easy, probably something that is more sturdy but doesn't way a ton, hope I am not being too vague.

I hope this answers your questions, feel free to ask more if I have not supplied you with the correct information or enough.

Your supplied information are good enough to filter some great quality cases to choose from that may suit your needs (and wants).

The following cases highly considers your preferences and needs: 1) Airflow-oriented (i.e., vented front intake rather than solid front panels with small vent slats); 2) PSU-shroud or PSU chamber (to hide unnecessary cables coming out of your non-modular PSU); 3) Windowed Side Panel (as per your preference); 4) Ample Size/Space (i.e., fits your current parts and still permits future upgrades for additional components); 5) Black or Dark Color (as per your preference); 6) Sturdy (bottom-mounted PSU and appropriate weight/material); and 7) Below $120 (as per your maximum budget willing to spend):

Option 1:
Cooler Master MasterCase Pro 5 ($89.99 at Newegg)
Size: W235mm x H548mm x D512mm | Weight: 10.7kg | Color: Dark Metallic Gray with Black Interior | Material: Steel/Plastic
Drive Bay Storage: 2x 5.25" (External), 2x to 5x 3.5" (Internal), 2x to 5x 2.5" (Internal)
Motherboard Support: ATX, mATX, ITX | Expansion Slots: 7x | Front Panel USB ports: 2x USB3.0
GPU Length: 296mm (with front HDD cage installed) up to 412mm (without front HDD cage installed)
Fans: 2x 140mm (pre-installed) at Front; 1x 140mm (pre-installed) at Rear; 2x 120mm/140mm (optional) at Top
Additional Features: Rubber Grommet Holes, 25mm Cable Management Space, PSU divider/compartment, Dust Filters on all Vents


Option 2:
Thermaltake Core X31 Riing RGB Edition ($105.10 at Amazon)
Size: W250mm x H497mm x D511mm | Weight: 8.5kg | Color: Black Exterior/Black Interior | Material: Steel
Drive Bay Storage: 2x 5.25" (External), 3x to 6x 3.5" (Internal), 2x to 8x 2.5" (Internal)
Motherboard Support: ATX, mATX, ITX | Expansion Slots: 8x | Front Panel USB ports: 2x USB3.0, 2x USB2.0
GPU Length: 278mm (with front HDD cage installed) up to 420mm (without front HDD cage installed)
Fans: 2x 120mm/140mm (2x 120mm pre-installed) at Front; 1x 120mm/140mm (1x 120mm pre-installed) at Rear; 3x 120mm/140mm (optional) at Top; 2x 120mm/140mm (optional) at Bottom
Additional Features: Rubber Grommet Holes, 3x RGB Fans Pre-Installed, PSU shroud/cover, Dust Filters on all Vents


Option 3A / 3B / 3C:
3A: Phanteks Enthoo Pro M Full-Tempered Glass Version ($107.98 at Newegg)
3B: Phanteks Enthoo Pro M Acrylic Side Window Version ($79.99 at Amazon)
3C: Phanteks Enthoo Pro M Full-Acrylic Window Version ($69.99 at Amazon)
Size: W235mm x H480mm x D500mm | Weight: ~7.4kg | Color: Satin Black/Brushed Aluminum | Material: Steel/Plastic
Drive Bay Storage: 1x 5.25" (External), 2x to 8x 3.5" (Internal), 1x to 3x 2.5" (Internal)
Motherboard Support: EATX, ATX, mATX, ITX | Expansion Slots: 7x | Front Panel USB ports: 2x USB3.0
GPU Length: 300mm (with front HDD trays installed) up to 420mm (without front HDD trays installed)
Fans: 3x 120mm or 2x 140mm (1x 140mm pre-installed) at Front; 1x 120mm/140mm (1x 140mm pre-installed) at Rear; 3x 120mm or 2x 140mm (optional) at Top
Additional Features: Rubber Grommet Holes, 35mm Cable Management Space, PSU shroud/cover, Dust Filters on all Vents

Full-Tempered Glass:

Acrylic Side Window:

Full-Acrylic Window:


Thank you for you time to respond to my question, these cases look fantastic and are right down my alley. I appreciate your help, just time to decide which one.
