Looking to upgrade my pc, which parts should i upgrade? [Help]


Jul 16, 2017
Hey there guys. This is my first post. So basically, as you read in the title, im looking to what i can upgrade on my pc. I have this exact pc:https://www.amazon.com/CYBERPOWERPC-Xtreme-GXiVR8020A-Gaming-Desktop/dp/B01HNBLHAA . Not the new version, the discontinued one. It basically has: -CPU: i5 6402p
-GPU: RX 480 4GB
-RAM: 24GB 2133Mhz RAM (Upgraded it from 8 to 24.)
-HDD: 1TB. (Running low on space, i really want to buy an SSD but they dont give me much space to put all my games)
-PSU: A crappy 400W one.

So yeah, i want to upgrade my pc to give me 60+ FPS on every game on ultra. I also have a VIVE, and i notice it sometimes has fps issues. My pc has also started to slow down a lot since i bought it, and i always take good care of it and have resetted it a couple of times now. Thanks in advance.
If your not getting 60fps with an i5 and 480 you should look into optimizing. As for a SSD I suggest a good 275GB boot drive. Use your HD for most games, downloads, and data. Use the SSD for boot drive and a game or 2.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Storage: Crucial - MX300 275GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($99.88 @ OutletPC)
Total: $99.88
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-07-16 01:28 EDT-0400

Hey elbert, i get 60 fps in most games like GTA 5, PUBG, etc. But im beginning to feel my pc is slowing down. I know an ssd helps the OS a lot. Is 275gb more recomended than 500gb? Also, do you have a guide for optimizing? I have done lots of optimization in my pc.

Use Ccleaner and blackvipers safe desktop. That should free up both RAM and CPU resources.

Also get a quality PSU. Here is the price on the 525GB Crucial.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Storage: Crucial - MX300 525GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($159.84 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: SeaSonic - 520W 80+ Bronze Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($46.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $206.82
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-07-16 11:05 EDT-0400

Wow. That SSD is really damn expensive. Ill prob stick with the $100 one. And why Crucial over other brands?
Also, when should i actually upgrade my cpu and gpu? Im i OK right now?