Looking to upgrade my PC


Aug 6, 2014
Hello, I was looking to upgrade my PC so I can run more games/stream.

I want to stream but I think my graphics card is the Problem here, because I see people stream with the same Processor and they seem fine so it must be the Graphics card. because the games lag super hard when I try to stream.

What I would like!: To be able to stream while playing the games on medium/high at least if possible.

Example Games:

League Of Legends
Payday 2

Now I don't have the biggest budget Unfortunately I would say between 150-200 I could
maybe do more considering i would have to more than likely upgrade the "Power Supply"

Here is my computer Specs With
I am using speccy so I'm just gonna type everything "Not very good with PC parts"

Processor: Intel Core i5-2320 @ 3.00Ghz - Sandy Bridge 32nm Technology
Graphics Card: 1024MB ATI AMD Radeon HD 7350 (Sapphire/PCPartner)
Ram: 8.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 665MHz (9-9-9-24)
MotherBoard: Acer Aspire M3970G

Here is the computer if you need more information "Could not find it on the site must not sell it
anymore" : http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0%2c2817%2c2407205%2c00.asp?tab=Specs

and like I said at least medium high settings While streaming While playing the games listed above would be really nice!

Thanks in advance
Tha issue is mainly the graphics card, I would look into the new 900 Series or try a AMD R9 Series card. But the games you play don't require a really high end graphics card, and a mid range will do.

Or it could also be the problem with your streaming software or internet connection problem.

And I may be wrong here and I am open to correction. But the RAM may cause a problem with its low clock speed.

Hope this helps.


I have other games I would like to handle also. Like DayZ, BF4, Rust, ect
I would like to handle on Medium/high My internet is fine. I use OBS and the that all looks good. would I need to get a new Power Supply as well?
If those are the games you will be playing. Then try the Nvidia 900 Series (beyond your budget or wait for the GTX 960). For AMD try the R9 280X and above or the R9 280 if budget is an issue.

Note: You wouldn't want to bottleneck your CPU.

For you power supply get at least a 550-600W. With at least a 12V @30A. And a 6 pin connector.

Okay I did some research

Would this graphics card work for the games I want to play Like" Dayz, BF4, cs:go, Rust ect" On medium/high while streaming and maybe even high/ultra while not streaming?

and any recomandations for Power supplys under 40? this $186 graphics card is kinda pushing my budget and would the graphics card and my motherboard ect all fit in the case and work together?
thanks in advance.
Which graphics card did you find?

To find a PSU under $40 will probably be not a suitable choice for a strong and powerful PC build.

Please provide a budget for the whole upgrade. I would personally just upgrade the graphics card only. But please do provide the rest of the specs of the build.

Wow, i forgot to paste the link LOL. I did say 150-200 for the budget. and here is the link:


I will check my power supply and Hopefully maybe it will be good enough and i will not have to upgrade it!. lets hope I'll check and get back to you

If i'm not wrong here the crossfire means Having two of the same card correct? if so thats way to expensive. thats why i asked if the "Sapphire Radeon r9 270 GB GDDR5 Dual-x With Boost and OC Version PCI-Express" Would work in my computer "With a new power supply" of course.

and be able to handle streaming/gaming that would be nice

also would be processor be able to keep up? or would my performance be held back due to it

Looks to be really good. I'm hoping it can stream games as well. it can handle most games on high/ultra

so I should be able to stream with medium/high settings! which is awesome thanks for all the help man