Looking to Upgrade


Nov 25, 2014
Hey guys! I bought ARMA 3 awhile ago, and after awhile I decided to get really into it. In single player, I make around 30 FPS, but in multiplayer I see drops to around 3-8. I know this is a huge problem for a ton of people out there as ARMA 3 is a very CPU dependent game, but I don't understand because I assume I'm running a pretty good CPU. My current build includes a Nvidia Geforce GTX 760 as my GPU, an Intel Core i5 - 3470 as my CPU. 8 GB's of Corsair Vengeance RAM, a TB Toshiba HDD, and a Gigabyte GA-Z68A-D3-B3 ATX LGA1155. I'm also running Windows 8.1. I'm looking to upgrade my GPU, but am wondering if there's anything else I could benefit from upgrading? I have a max cash spend of around 500$ on any given part, not in total. I would also to keep an Intel and Nvidia products please. I'm looking to get around 30-60 FPS in Multiplayer servers.
You likely don't have enough rendering muscle for Ultra settings at 1080p. Try going to High or Medium settings @ 1080p and you should find that it plays much better.

If you are going to upgrade, a GTX 970 would probably get you where you want to be.
What resolution are you running at? Image quality settings? Also, you might be seeing issues related to network latency - are you connected via wifi or ethernet? What ISP and speed?

http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/3938028770 It's a slow day, I usually get around 50+ on download
Connected via Ethernet
Resolution is 1920x1080
I'm currently running the game on the default Ultra settings, but the FPS remains the same going down in the settings, all textures and shadows are at their highest, and VSync is turned off.
You likely don't have enough rendering muscle for Ultra settings at 1080p. Try going to High or Medium settings @ 1080p and you should find that it plays much better.

If you are going to upgrade, a GTX 970 would probably get you where you want to be.

I'll try, but even then if I wanted to go for higher FPS what should I upgrade, this is my first build with no upgrades to it yet.