Hey guys! I bought ARMA 3 awhile ago, and after awhile I decided to get really into it. In single player, I make around 30 FPS, but in multiplayer I see drops to around 3-8. I know this is a huge problem for a ton of people out there as ARMA 3 is a very CPU dependent game, but I don't understand because I assume I'm running a pretty good CPU. My current build includes a Nvidia Geforce GTX 760 as my GPU, an Intel Core i5 - 3470 as my CPU. 8 GB's of Corsair Vengeance RAM, a TB Toshiba HDD, and a Gigabyte GA-Z68A-D3-B3 ATX LGA1155. I'm also running Windows 8.1. I'm looking to upgrade my GPU, but am wondering if there's anything else I could benefit from upgrading? I have a max cash spend of around 500$ on any given part, not in total. I would also to keep an Intel and Nvidia products please. I'm looking to get around 30-60 FPS in Multiplayer servers.