Looking too upgrade my CPU, I want the most bang for my buck


Mar 9, 2014
Ok my specs
I5 2700 3.30
DDR3 Ram 12 gigs
R9 270x shaphire 4 gig card
14.2 beta driver
Windows 7 sp 1
Direct x11
Motherbord assus P8h67 pro

This a compleatly a gaming computer, mainly used for elder scrolls online or will be!
Right I'm haveing a PC bottle necking issues and I would like too fix that!

Iv been looking at the i7 3770 all three versions but they are a bit out of my price range. Which is 300$ I don't want too have too go above that. But I have also been looking at the Xeon server CPUs and they are cheaper and equal too the i7 3770 all there versions, but they can not be oc'ed. Which CPU should I get?
Hi, presumably you have an I5 2500 3.3Gz (not i5 2700). To upgrade this to a i7 would give a minimal increase in performance.
Besides the ghz increase from 3.3 to 3.5 which is like 6%.

I would recommend upgrading to windows 8.1 which gives a nice 5-10% performance increase in games like bf4.
If you have money to burn and itching for an upgrade, get an R280 or a 290 GPU.
The GPU will increase your performance by the largest percent
The i5 you have has 4 cores and will not really bottleneck your PC.
You dont need to upgrade your processor as of now. It is adequate for today;s gaming needs. Besides, you will have to get a new mobo too to upgrade to the newer gen CPU's. So, let your cpu do the work as it is not in any way underpowered.

"Денис" 😀 He already has good i5 and it a good CPU which beastly overclocks so yeah as "gaborbarla" said R9 280X or 290X
will increase his gaming performance a lot better than new CPU!!!
According too elder scrolls the fps numbers are green indicating that I have a CPU bottle neck, this is Strictly pvp speaking, other wise the game runs fine, on high settings I have too turn the graphics down for pvp tho, other then that the PC runs fine. Do y'all really think it's gpu causing the issues? Cuz I just bought the graphics card....

Your CPU is fine, it can be GPU or driver problem!

Damn right 😀 he didnt put the k so i get confused well this cpu is very good yeah its 32nm thats the only bad thing but it will do the work
Alright I guess I buy anther card Blahh!!!!! I have the 4 gig version for the gpu, i just really didn't want too have too do anther card, I would just have too go up the r9 290x. Would be the best option right?

Yeah 290X is second fastest card in the world!
But i don't understand, why you bought 4GB of mid range card instead of more powerful 3 or 4GB card?
No the best bang for the buck will be to get another 270x and crossfire it. Given your PSU can handle it(650W min recommended). Since you have the 4GB version, get another 4 GB one and VRAM will not be a problem at all.
It's was 100$ cheaper and I thought that this card would be able too handle the considering that the recommended requirements are far exceeded. Which is a 6950 is what they recommended for the game the 270x is a whole series higher then the 6950 2 gig

You can crossfire different brands of the same card but the config will run on the specs of the slower card, means the faster card will be slowed down to match the slower card. So better get another toxic given it is one of the fastest clocked 270x.
Consider your internet connection and the Elder Scrolls servers also, I've seen a lot of lag complaints about the beta in PVP they may resolve some fixes before it goes live, I would just wait until the finished product,


it was clearly computer lag, as the fps dropped too 40 or below, if it was lag the fps would stay the same but i would not be able too move

But, is this the only instance/game your rig does it in, if so I still believe it's the unfinished game,They have a lot of work to do on that game,it is beta.How are your FPS in other multiplayer games..