Loose sata cable to 6 pin port in graphics card?


Jan 23, 2016
I purchased a gtx 750 ti, little did i know that theres no loose 6 pin cables coming out of my PSU ,when i connect the gpu to the pcie slot the graphics card powers up, but i was wondering is there any way i can connect the spare sata cable that is hanging out of my pc to the 6 pin port in my gpu, using some some sort of extension converter?

I heard of a sata cable to 6 pin but I only need that if there's only a free sata cable in a modular psu. But my psu is non modular you see,so I was wondering if I could use the spare sata cable that was hanging out of my psu to the 6 pin port in my pc

would i connect the sata power to the sata cable and then connect the 6pin to the 6pin port in the graphics card?

Would the power that the sata cable receives have to come directly from the psu or would it work if the sata cable is connected to the motherboard and if I extend it from their connecting the 6pin onto the gpu
not totally clear what you mean--but if you mean can it be on a sata connector thats one of more than one on a single cable from the psu and you are already using others--then yes it can the 750ti isnt a power hungry card far as i remember a load of those didnt even have a 6 pin connector they ran just off the pci-e slot

I understand, thanks