Loosing Internet Connection With Ethernet


Nov 19, 2011
Seem to be having an issue with my computer. I don't recall this ever happening on my old rig. so maybe its an easy fix....

I have a Netgear R6300v2 router supplied via ISP. I have multiple wireless connections as well as 2 wired computers, my fathers dekstop and mine.

Every once in a while, multiple times a week, I just lose internet connection. Windows shows status as being fine, the router setup page shows everything as fine... but its like I unplugged the ethernet cord.

The only fix is to reboot my computer. Fixes it EVERY time. Nothing else does. Windows shows I have up to date drivers and I installed all needed drivers when I finished the build.

What might be the issue here?

Also, I don't know if its relevant, but I only seem to be getting about 5-8 mbps and I'm suppose to get up to 60. At one point I was getting 50-65 mbps regularly.
I had similar problems with my old ISP provided router, normally they are old and used and just all around suck. Personally I bought a new router for about $90, and since then I never have speed problems or connection problems(bar problems on ISPs part), and I pay no fees to my ISP for a router. I know this doesn't help your exact problem, but just a similar experience. Also I had an ethernet port go bad once and had to get a PCI Ethernet card, perhaps try that? Intel ones are like sub $20.
Its a new build so I hope my motherboard doesn't have a faulty port, that would really suck. Especially if its true and that would be the only issue...

We got a new router this time. I know they usually just switch customers routers around, but we specifically asked for their new updated model and it was NIB. They stated some neighborhood issue a while ago but I'm sure they figured that out by now.

Its been a struggle with them since we've had them, but the last year or two has been flawless up until that last couple months. Its almost like they have an on/off switch for their service reliability.

I've suggested purchasing a router to my family but routers seem to fail so often for us that it would end up costing more to buy a router than to just pay a month fee to the ISP. Maybe I'll just buy one one day and change it for them.
Hum, well I would start from basics.
Swap the Ethernet cable you are currently using with the tower for another one or a new one.
And move the wired connection to one of the other ethernet ports on the router, I presume it has at least four ethernet ports on the router at least. If it`s a VM super hub by chance.

A cable with a damaged or intermittent twisted pair of the wires in the cable can cause this sort of problem, and limited bandwidth. computer side.
Plus the gold Pins on the Rj45 connector ends not biting through the insulation of the twisted paired wires with good enough contact to the copper wires or cores of the cable.

See if that helps if you have not tried it.
If it is a VM Virginmedia super hub, the version 1 suffered from overheating in some cases causing it to drop connections or at the worst freeze till it cooled down. Version 2 routers suffered much the same problem, and some of the firmware VM uploaded caused the router to run quite bad in some cases.
As for the Version 3 of there superhub not seen it yet, or no anyone who has one to report any issues with it. VM tend to update the firmware of the super hub about every 3 months if there is a new version of the firmware available over the network.

when my connection went bad over fiber optic cable, I took one of the line splitters they put on the cable to separate the Tv, and broadband connections, that boosted the signal attenuation levels and voltage range to the router and my speeds went up, so it was down to a weak signal and line voltage.

A good time to test the speed of your connection is early hours of the morning. using www.speedtest.net.

A good Motorola can be had again for like $80 and I have never had one fail on me, and have used them for years. Now I do not mean a wireless one, for that I would go Netgear. And I share your thoughts on the on off switch, could you be being throttled, or are you being capped?
We have no cap and they claim having a bunch of devices connected won't be an issue. At MOST we have a total of 6 devices at once. But that is unlikely. Average would be 4; two wired, two wireless.

I suppose I can try another ethernet cord, but I'd have to buy another one. The router is across the house and we drilled through two rooms to pull a 50 foot cord through to my room, haha. But I don't think it would be that anyway, I've had it for years and its worked fine up until recently, even tried it not too long ago on my old rig before I sold it and it was fine.