Losing internet connection when downloading/streaming big files.


Dec 23, 2012
My problem is that, sometimes when i download or stream something that is more than 1-2 GB, the download speed will rapidly decrease after a while and then i lose connection to the internet, by getting a yellow triangle on the network icon.

Everyone connected to the modem loses internet connection, not just the device that i'm downloading on.This doesn't happen all the time, but it's a problem that is occouring more frequently.

My modem ( Netgear CG3700EMR-1CMNDS ) has two WAN ports, one is connected to a 8-port switch and the 2nd port goes to my main PC. I get this problem on both my main PC which is connected directly to one of the ports on the modem and also on my laptop when connected via wi-fi. Also, when I lose internet connection, i'm only downloading on one device. There is no other device in the network that is downloading or doing any internet-heavy tasks.

In total there is probably 15 devices connected to the modem, that includes cable and wifi devices. I have 100/10 speeds using cable tv to my modem to get internet.

Any suggestions?
I would recommend calling your Internet Provider, and telling them to do a confirmation of the CoAx connection to your Modem. Also, if there is a perfect connection, maybe you need to replace your modem?

About a year ago, maybe a bit more, I had trouble with the modem losing internet connection every 30 minutes, downloading content or not. So I called my ISP and they said they made some changes from their side. Didn't help, they sent a guy to my home to change the coax outlet on the wall, also didn't help.

Got my modem replaced, they did a confirmation of my connection and everything was normal. The guy that changed my coax outlet also had a device to test my coax connection and it was a 5/5. After the modem replacement and some more tweaking from their side it finally solved it.

Now this is happening again, but only when downloading or doing some other tasks that puts a load on my internet. Do you think this is ISP or modem related? I'm thinking of buying a new modem and see if it solves the problem. Either way, i'm going to call my ISP.
I found something in my modem settings called event log. It shows this:
