Alright so im just playing arma 3 or im playing gmod here and their Maybe a little old school runescape And i lose my internet connection Sometimes its for 1-2-3 seconds But whenever i play arma It just says *losing connection* With the little losing connection symbol on the right I look back and my internet connection is at full bars... Full bars! it dosent even look like it loses internet connection i just disconnect from games for *losing internet connection* Or sometimes it says whenever i search on the internet *couldnt connect to the internet* or whatever the little dinosaur appears saying cant connect to the internet Yet i look at my wifi and its yet again at full bars.... This has been happening for quite some time With my wifi connection I just dont know what to do And sometimes It looks like it takes forever just to search for something like about 20 seconds just to go to youtube. If their is any help itll be well appreciated Im also kinda far from my router By what i mean by that im upstairs and the router is down stairs about Im also using cox communication.
Internet connection Model is:Intel(R)Dual band Wireless-AC 3168
Internet connection Model is:Intel(R)Dual band Wireless-AC 3168