Losing signal while gaming


Feb 14, 2017
Hi, first of all is my first post, hope it's in the right place.
So, I built a pc few months back, it was all going well until a few days back. I already had like 30 hours of played game when the pc started to randomly crash, screen would turn solid color, and if I unplug the Hdmi cable from de screen and plug back in, it say it has no signal.
No other game but ark does that ( Paladins, cs:go, witcher 2, gears of war 4) and guild wars2 once. I can't even play anymore, every time I reach the top of the mountain, or play a few minutes, boom.
Ran heaven it did well in first test but crashed when I pushed it too far. Msi kombustur, did great.
I suspect it might be psu, or hard drive, hope it's not something worse.
Btw gpu is connected using a molex to 6 pin adapter recommended by the local tech's.
Any help?

Msi z170 gaming pro carbon
Intel core i5 6500
Msi gtx 1060 ocv1 6gb armor
12 gb (8+4) Kingston hyper x fury
Nox urano 500
Case cool box deep sting.

Thanks in advance.
will, probably buy a new one this weekend, so I stopped playing for a while.
got told a 550w was enough, but I'm thinking to buy a 650/750w for future updates. got corsair rm650 x and 750 x on my list, as well as some 550 w ones
If you needed an adapter for your video card off the power supply, you want to replace that with a better quality one.
This one is $40 after rebate, https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817151094 and one of the top brands.

If this only happens in one game and one benchmark you may want to uninstall the video card drivers, clean them up using DDU and install drivers again. If that does not work, and a new power supply does not help, try a clean Windows setup.


Feb 14, 2017
new update, I was playing ark using msi monitoring tool, when "voltage limit" showed game crashed.

new drivers did not solve problem, neither new windows updates

checked steam and have 30 hours played, for the first hours everything was fine, things got worse when I reached maybe 20-25 hours

Did you replace the power supply? If it's still crashing, the longer you wait to fix things, if it's a bad power supply it can eventually damage the video card and motherboard.


Feb 14, 2017
will, probably buy a new one this weekend, so I stopped playing for a while.
got told a 550w was enough, but I'm thinking to buy a 650/750w for future updates. got corsair rm650 x and 750 x on my list, as well as some 550 w ones

The RM models are good, 650 watt will be enough, power use in video cards drops for the same speed every year, so I don't see you needing more than 650 watts unless you are planning on getting the top of the line cards in the future.


Feb 14, 2017
installed new psu everything seems fine, ran heaven benchmark on extreme without even flinching, before, it would crash on custom settings.
but I can never be lucky enough not to have problems, this time my keyboard broke. but at least the pc runs fine now.