I Ineedhelp111 Distinguished Jan 19, 2007 8 0 18,510 Feb 10, 2007 #1 A computer was given to us and I need to get a printer on it. I cant do this unless Im logged on with the admin acount. How can I get this password?
A computer was given to us and I need to get a printer on it. I cant do this unless Im logged on with the admin acount. How can I get this password?
joefriday Distinguished Feb 24, 2006 2,105 0 19,810 Feb 11, 2007 #2 Try the instructions found on this link: http://www.governmentsecurity.org/articles/BreakingWindows98Passwords.php
Try the instructions found on this link: http://www.governmentsecurity.org/articles/BreakingWindows98Passwords.php