Lost graphics and access to ASrock Z77 Extreme6 BIOS


Aug 2, 2015
I have an ASRock Z77 Extreme6 motherboard and an Nvidia GTX 660 graphics card. I was attempting to upgrade from win7 to win10 but was having issues with the graphics card so I booted in to the bios, set my on board video as the default and rebooted, and removed the GTX from the board only to get a black screen. I put the GTX back in and I get the same just a black screen. I can hear it boot up but I'm unable to get back into the bios to revert back to using the GTX as my primary and I'm not sure why my on baord graphics didn't kick in.

Is there anyone with an ASRock board that can write out a step by step keyboard stroke path to reset my gtx as the primary? I'm leery about resetting the bios.

I love it when condescending assholes respond to support questions. There are plenty of people who have no issues being test subjects and trying the exact same thing that isn't suggested to do with their hardware. As you noticed I did ask for advice on how to fix it. I asked for a write up for the keystrokes so I could fix it myself. If you can't offer help just stay out of the conversation.
Hello I have the same MotherBoard ASROCK Z77 Extreme6 and I have the same problem,no BIOS access or graphics,no start up splash screen .power comes on and fans and sits in a DVD drive initialization loop. My system worked fine I had the FATAL auto update on for my WIN 7 pro.NOW my system will not boot not to even the BIOS splash screen.I thought Lightning struck my MB. IS there any way out of this broken system.My ASROCK main board build disc with drivers will not work??? WHAT HAPPENED ? Looks like the main board is dead? powers on fans come on DVD is accessed and all pauses stops restarts cycle all with no graphics display?
I was not doing the upgrade,I did not want to break my Cubase 7.5 digital audio workstation. I hope there is a simple solution.this system is dead.