Lost modular psu pcie cable.


Jul 17, 2016
I was wondering if anyone knew how to check which pins are which voltages with the use of a multimeter as I want to create a new connector for my lost one.

I don't just want to go on jamming the multimeter in random holes directly in the psu as that seems like a mostly horrible idea.

Psu is a Rosewill m-450.

The only complete kits are for sleeved cables and probably more than you would wish to pay.
Here is a link to EBay where you can...

Yes I realize that now, Sorry. I have looked into your PSU.
If it is the ARC version then it does not come with any cables. It does not have very good reviews and of coarse the price of the unit indicates this. On their site I could not see what plugs are available however it should conform with standards.

Cable kits are available for all your connections to hardware on your MB however Rosewill say that you should only purchase their cables. I can't see that.


I haven't seen any cable kits and I've looked extensively. Mind linking the ones you found?

The only complete kits are for sleeved cables and probably more than you would wish to pay.
Here is a link to EBay where you can choose for your requirement. http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=EVGA+SLEEVED+PC+POWER+CABLE+KITS&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.XPSU+MODULA+PC+POWER+CABLE+KITS.TRS0&_nkw=PSU+MODULA+PC+POWER+CABLE+KITS&_sacat=0