Old computer was XP Professional. Got a new one running Windows 7 Home Premium.
Was able to retrieve all pictures initially. Due to a glitch (EasyShare trying to start and open uo the file upon every time I turned on my computer and getting the Blue Screen) , I Uninstalled it.
Reinstalled, getting only pictures from 2005 to 2007. Years 2008 to 2011 were not found.
Uninstalled EasyShare again and ran the Clear Utility feature form Kodak in case any remnant files from old install were still there.
I checked the Hidden Files and Folders to make sure that there were not any remaining EasyShare files. There were not any.
Reinstalled EasyShare but still have only pictures and videos from years 2005 to 2007. Years 2008 to 2011 are nowhere to be found.
Any help would be appreciated.
Was able to retrieve all pictures initially. Due to a glitch (EasyShare trying to start and open uo the file upon every time I turned on my computer and getting the Blue Screen) , I Uninstalled it.
Reinstalled, getting only pictures from 2005 to 2007. Years 2008 to 2011 were not found.
Uninstalled EasyShare again and ran the Clear Utility feature form Kodak in case any remnant files from old install were still there.
I checked the Hidden Files and Folders to make sure that there were not any remaining EasyShare files. There were not any.
Reinstalled EasyShare but still have only pictures and videos from years 2005 to 2007. Years 2008 to 2011 are nowhere to be found.
Any help would be appreciated.