Lots of Pagefile being used. Dont know if its normal


May 7, 2017
So recently i've had games crash( Ark, The Divison, and Smite) due to and "out of memory" error and tried to figure out what's going on. I downloaded msi after burner and saw that my pagefile is at 15000 at max and around 4000 as minimum while my ram(8gb) is still being used as much as it can. Any help would be amazing. thank you and have a good day
I wish i had thought of malware... compression is nothing to worry about directly, its a function of windows 10 where if you close a program, instead of putting all the data back on hdd straight away, win 10 compresses it in ram so if/when you restart program it loads really fast. easiest way to clear that is restart PC.

See if removing all that junk fixes it for you.
that 4k minimum, that seems high, is that at idle?. 15k seems high if you only have 8gb of ram to start with the recommended in win 8 days was 1.5x times ram so you should have a 12gb page file, not 15?

which version of windows is this? I have page file set to auto, its recommended is just under 3k and current is only 1gb

this is on windows 10. and while on idle its around 3k. so should i try turning it down then? i have it set to 8000 at max.
i would leave it on auto, win 10 doesn't use the page file unless it needs to swap things out of ram to put other things in, like when you playing a game.

windows doesn't have an out of ram error, what it sees as memory is page file + ram so you can run out of memory and still have ram, I have seen people run out who had 21 out of 24gb of ram free. So starving the page file isn't ideal

you might have a memory leak as windows should not run out like this

Download Process explorer and run it as admin (it comes from Microsoft so its safe)

the default view is tree structure meaning like your task manager screen, it will show what processes are underservice, but unlike task manager, it shows the ram usage of each part so you can see what is eating your ram

Private bytes = actual ram usage
Working set = Ram + page file usage - this might be where you find problem

This page shows what all the colours and headings mean, link at bottom of it shows how to use it to find problems. You can right click headers and run an av scan from within the program.

see if you can identify anything using large amounts of working set as this is likely where the problem is.

wow first scan and 166 threats found so far :? v confused. i don't download a lot of stuff that doesn't look safe..

https://gyazo.com/e822a7472ea77c17b36ff0a4334eb762 Here is a picture of everything going on. Looks like a possible memory leak then? since the compressed version is so high... any way to fix it? or is that not the issue?
I wish i had thought of malware... compression is nothing to worry about directly, its a function of windows 10 where if you close a program, instead of putting all the data back on hdd straight away, win 10 compresses it in ram so if/when you restart program it loads really fast. easiest way to clear that is restart PC.

See if removing all that junk fixes it for you.

what motherboard do you have?