Whoops! Didn't mean to vote down ... was trying to scroll.
I have the same problem (I think) trying to install SmartSuite 9.5 on a new PC with Windows 10. The problem is that my disk drive is too big. Here's what I tried, but without success.
First, using "Disk Management", which you get to via Control Panel...Administrative Tools...Computer Management...Storage, I created a new 1-gigabyte NTFS partition called F, renamed my E drive to G, renamed the new partition from F to E, and renamed G to F.
Second, I copied the entire installation CD to my new partition, E. Since it looks like a drive, and because it's so small, the installation software will accept E.
Third, during SmartSuite installation from E (which I initiated by double-clicking on Setup.exe using File Explorer), everything seems OK until I reach the "Specify Lotus SmartSuite Folder" dialog box which shows (after clicking on the "Browse" button) a negative number of bytes available on C:, apparently because I have a 2-terabyte hard drive and that's too big a number. So for "Drive" I selected E. I left the folder name \lotus\ and clicked "Next."
Fourth, I deselected everything in the "Select Lotus SmartSuite Applications" dialog box except 1-2-3, and did not change "Drive" or "Folder." Then I clicked "Next."
Fifth, in the "Install Options" dialog box, I clicked "Next" to accept the default features.
Here is where I see the problem. The "Select Program Folder" dialog box will not allow selecting any drive other than C. It's hard-coded, I guess. It won't let you scroll beyond a folder it calls "Programs", and the "Folder Name" field will not accept the colon character.
So I let it create a new folder named Lotus SmartSuite and clicked "Next", and finally clicked "Yes" in the "Begin Copying Files" dialog box.
That brought up the "Output" dialog box with the "DOC+3502: Overflow" message.
The end.
BTW, I also tried the "Custom" installation, which lets you specify 4 drive paths. That didn't work, either. Whatever controls the "Select Program Folder" data still assumes C and makes the assumption that it is where 1-2-3 will be installed.
While I was writing this I figured out (I think) what to do -- just temporarily make the C partition acceptably small using "Disk Management" (formerly known as partition editor).
I think I'll try that now. Let me know whether that works for you of if you have another solution.
OBTW, Don't be afraid to rename drives. Disk management makes it simple.
(Tick...tick...tick...an hour or two went by before I posted the following edit)
All you have to do is make sure your C drive (partition, whatever) look like it has fewer than 2 to the power of 40 bytes. Obviously some part of the installer truncates at 40 bits; that's why the "Specify Lotus SmartSuite Folder" dialog box contained the negative number.
In the end, all I needed to do was to shrink the C partition (to 1,010,424,606 bytes, which is slightly smaller than 2 to the power of 40), so that there is no overflow, and the number in the field is positive. You don't need the E partition after all -- just a temporary reduction in the apparent size of C.
After the install, I extended the C partition back to its previous size, and rechecked to make sure 1-2-3 ran. It did! So I guess 1-2-3 itself doesn't have a 40-bit problem, or if it does, I haven't yet found it.
Of course, part of the solution (or maybe all of it) is to use version 9.8.2, which I understand is the final one.