Loud Buzzing noise

Jamie Weatherer

Mar 5, 2016
Hi all i was playing a bit of BO2 earlier with no problems at all no lag no frame rate issues when all of a sudden my pc froze and made a loud buzzing noise bit like the xbox one when a game crashes so to speak when i came to restart my computer i am getting no graphics output there is a signal that is there as on my monitor it is showing that the HDMI is connected and the graphics card fan is working but i am getting no video output what so ever I have Radeon MSI 360 Graphics card and a AMD piledriver 6 core 3.9GHZ proccessor i have a koolink 600W power supply with 8GB of RAM and a 1TB hard drive

Help plz

so would you suggest changing the power supply or do you think the PC is basically toast the parts are only 2-3 weeks old would i still be able to get it back under warranty for each part or not?

Say the parts were damaged because they are still under warranty would i be able to get them replaced/repaired i got all my parts from Overclockers UK