My CPU fan starts going around 5,000 RPM; after playing a game for about 10 mins.
I tested fan speed and CPU temp using CPUID HWMonitor:
Games that this happens to:
Is there anything that I can do short of buying a better CPU fan?
Sorry this is so long.... Thanks in advance!
I tested fan speed and CPU temp using CPUID HWMonitor:
CPU Temp:38 C
Fan RPM: anywhere from 4,000-5,300 RPM
NZXT Phantom 820
Rosewill Capstone-750W
ASUS Crossgair Formula-Z
AMD FX-8350 Black Edition
G.Skill 16 GB (8GBx2) DDR3 1600
Games that this happens to:
Arma 3
Cities: Skylines
Company of Heroes 2
Elder Scrolls Online
Skyrim (even without mods)
Civilization V
South Park: The Stick of Truth
Total War: ROME 2
Total War: SHOGUN 2
XCOM Enemy Unknown
Fallout 3 (even without mods)
FarCry 3
Battlefield 4
Dead Space 3
Is there anything that I can do short of buying a better CPU fan?
Sorry this is so long.... Thanks in advance!