Loud noise coming from my computer?


Apr 21, 2016
Lately my computer has been making a loud electric type of noise. Not grinding, but more along the lines of a high pitched electrical noise. The noise happens all the time, but it usually stops when I do some sort of activity on the computer. I recently changed the thermal paste on my CPU and my GPU. The temperatures on both have dropped so I believe I applied it right. Is the hard drive failing or did I not mount the heat sink for the CPU correctly? I really don't know at this point. I'm about to throw this thing out the window.

Other than fans, PSU, HDs, roms, etc.. I cannot think of what else...
Without hearing it, this is almost impossible to answer.
HDs make a distinct sound when they go bad.. The armature working excessively makes noticeable noises and clunks sometimes even.
HDs over spinning it unique as well.

Any way to record it and post to a file share as a wave file? Take the side off and get really close..
Maybe you can even notice it, if you open it up and listen closely..

Open the case up and use a paper towel roll held up to your ear. While it is up to your ear, point the other end around the inside of your case. You will easily be able to pinpoint the source of the noise with this technique and can troubleshoot from there.


You'll hear two things, one of which is my GPU that is missing a fan blade. I'm going to replace this tomorrow, but also the noise I'm talking about. I can't pinpoint it. I've unplugged all my fans except the heat sink.


Good Idea! I'll remember this one..
I was laughing though when you said "Point the other end to inside of your case" and thought to myself..
"Nooo Point it at the cat!" Meeeeeeow lol
It works remarkably well.

Once you know which component is the source of the noise, there may or may not be an easy enough fix.... sometimes just a setting needs to be adjusted.... sometimes a replacement is in order. Depends on the component.

Other than fans, PSU, HDs, roms, etc.. I cannot think of what else could make noise..
Is there an electrical smell near the PSU? It can make a "Bzzzz" kinda sound when they start going bad..


I'm thinking it's the PSU. No there is no smell, but the fan is well above what I would call warm.

I am still chuckling.. Yeah, maybe use a (non-conductive) stethoscope (on the cat) even..

If it is an electrical sound.. It prolly is.. I miss working at a shop where I had parts available to swap in and out when I was at a loss.. Not having to buy them that is, and be wrong..

Usually though.. The PSU gives off a smell if they are biting the dust..

Bzzzzz noise and a crackle here an there..
99% sure that is mechanical noise, not electrical noise.
95% sure that is the bearings in one of your fans.

This happens when dust gets inside the bearing casing. Particles of dust are causing friction and heat as the fan rotates. That fan is toast and should be replaced.

Want a quick test? Stick your finger in that fan and stop it. I bet the high pitch chirp goes away.

Not too mention he said a fan blade was missing..
Yeah.. try what he said with your GPU fan(s) as well as CPU..