low budget ZFSguru / Fileserver build


Jan 15, 2014

Thanks for reading my post, I'm just checking what you guys think and advice for/about my build.
My main requirement is a low cost and low powered (dont mind the slower speed) build. Around 200 euro extra parts if possible. I only need to buy a mobo, cpu and psu. I'm using the other parts of my old gaming pc.

Mobo: ASRock FM2A88M Extreme4+ FM2+59,90€ - The reason I'm picking this mobo is the low price and the 8 sata3 ports that it includes and 4 DDR3 slots.

CPU: AMD A4-4000 Richland 3.2GHz Socket FM2 65W Dual-Core 34€ or AMD A4-5300 Trinity 3.4GHz (3.6GHz Turbo) Socket FM2 65W Dual-Core Desktop APU (CPU + GPU) 39€ - I thought going for the 5300, because I read it's 'a lot' better thru reviews and benchmarks for it's price/power usage and other stats. Also it's only 4 euros more.

PSU: Corsair VS350 32€ - I have absolutely no idea what psu to pick, just a cheap one that gives enough power to the low

RAM: GEiL Black Dragon 8192MB RAM DDR3-1066 CL7-7-7 - The link is the 4GB version, because I cant find the 8GB version anymore. Ram is pretty expensive here in europe and I guess this is enough for this low-end server.

Disks: I'm gonna put all my external disks in this system to have them accesible over the network, so a bit of everything, but this is the main reason I'm making this server.

OS: ZFSguru

Thanks in advance for any tips.

Hi there,
For the psu I would recommend this: http://www.corsair.com/en-us/builder-series-cx430
It has ALOT better efficiency for saving power than the one you proposed and it doesn't cost that much more as well.

For the motherboard I did notice that it only has 4x USB 3.0 for maximum bandwidth with the external hard drives so if you have any more than 4 on the machine USB 2.0 may slow it slightly down, but everything else on there seems fine such as a 1gbps Ethernet port for fast download and upload speeds.

RAM: for a file server unless there's a lot of users on it at once you honestly really don't need more than 4gb of ram to be honest.
Try this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA3SD1C96281 it also has a...
Hi there,
For the psu I would recommend this: http://www.corsair.com/en-us/builder-series-cx430
It has ALOT better efficiency for saving power than the one you proposed and it doesn't cost that much more as well.

For the motherboard I did notice that it only has 4x USB 3.0 for maximum bandwidth with the external hard drives so if you have any more than 4 on the machine USB 2.0 may slow it slightly down, but everything else on there seems fine such as a 1gbps Ethernet port for fast download and upload speeds.

RAM: for a file server unless there's a lot of users on it at once you honestly really don't need more than 4gb of ram to be honest.
Try this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA3SD1C96281 it also has a slightly higher clock speed as well.

For the cpu I would go for the A4-5300 without a doubt, for that little price you get a lot more power 😉

Everything looks good!
Hope I helped
Thanks Hjgrove,

I've bought the motherboard and the A4-5300, and changed the PSU to a 430CX (44€).

I'm gonna try with my ram for the moment and if i notice it's not going that smooth, I'm gonna buy new ram 😉
