Low CPU Frequency on Full Load

Neelabh Thakur

Jan 5, 2015
so i am having this issue in the CPU intensive games like GTA V and Watch Dogs when i start the game they work fine for 10-20 minute then fps drops to 20 from 45 i never had this issue so i decided to search about it and i realized that it happens because the CPU frequency drops to 1596Mhz from 3092Mhz this is the reason the fps drops then it goes back to the 3092 again and i get the same fps as before it happens in every 10-15 minutes when playing all the games its too annoying my processor is intel core i5 2400 3.1Ghz (its not overclocked and i never overclocked it before too) my temp is 70'c on full load and 45'c on idle so when the cpu is running on 3.1Ghz the temp is 70'c and when the frequency drops to 1.5Ghz the temps drops to 62'c too but i don't think my CPU is throttling because of the heat i have an aftermarket cooler as well Cooler Master Hyper TX3 EVO by the way i am getting this issue after i got this cooler my old cpu cooler stopped working so i bought this one and from today i noticed that issue please help me i tested prime94 too the temp is 66-68'c and even in if the frequency drops the power management mode is already on the high performance i can't find a solution out of this problem :'(

My Specs :
Asus Strix GTX 970
Intel Core i5 2400 3.1Ghz
Intel DH67CL Motherboard
Cooler Master PSU 750W
Cooler Master Hyper TX3 EVO (CPU COOLER)
Cooler Master CM 690 III (Cabinet)


i just checked the temps with HWMonitor and here are the results
Hi, what is your GPU temperature?

it's 65'c-70'c on full load

so i should turn these off in bios i know about the intel speed step feature but disabling it will run my cpu on max usage always won't it harm my cpu ? is there anyway to run the cpu on the full frequency when gaming before it was full after installed this new cpu cooler i am having these issues is the cpu cooler related to it ? can thermal paste be the issue because i feel like that the the shop guy had applied too much of it :/ i had seen a video and he had applied the thermal paste as much as that guy and people said in the comments thats he applied too much thermal paste here is the link of that video he applied as much as this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3cfA2xD6vI
Intel speed step allows the cpu to drop speed when not in use, so if it's not in use it should downclock. That shouldn't be the case during a game while it's using the cpu. The c states are power saving states, different from speed step. That person in that video used way too much thermal paste. Too much thermal paste would result in poor temperatures. You might achieve better temps with a better application of thermal paste but it's not causing your issue. Your temps are still 65-70c, which isn't high enough to cause thermal throttling. That's the only way thermal paste application would have anything to do with your cpu slowing down in the middle of a game, if it got too hot and throttled back the speed suddenly.