Low FPS and Loud PC


Jan 12, 2018
Hello my PC started to be so loud and low fps.. Every driver is installed
Pc specs:
Intel G4560
Asrock H110M-DGS
2x4GB RAM (2133 mhz)
Gigabyte 1050 TI 4GB

Maybe i need bios update or not? But how?

But I have not even opened the box, it's possible that it just has gone unnoticed?

If you mean the cooler getting loose yes. Did you look with the software at least?

If you don't check "sensors only" and click "run" will the whole tool open,the top window will be the "System Summary" in this at the low left quarter will you find your current bios,please tell me which one that is.

Sorry i dont understand you.

Click run,two windows will open,in the top window called "system summary" you will see info about your pc,in the left half at the bottom there's info about your bios,i'd like to see which one you have.
After this close the system summary,then look at the main window,at the left top there you can click "sensors",do so,see what temps you have when playing a game.If you want you can upload some pics of this sensor window or else make a log,

How to make a log,

open it Hwinfo,
check "sensors-only" (in that first little window at the right),
click "run",
at the bottom of the window click "logging start" (four buttons at the bottom of the sensor window,one is this one),
choose a name and place for the log like "hwinfolog" at the "desktop",
this log can be viewed/opened with either excel from Microsoft or libre office calc.
you can upload it onto a site which facilitates this like SaberCatHost or DropBox,these i like since not so much (or any) spam comes with these.
Just make one until this happens like you described.

Here we go https://www.dropbox.com/home?preview=hwinfolog.CSV

Please tell me how.

How to what?
Maybe a fan has stopped or you overclock or thermal paste on a heatsink has bad contact or a heatsink come loose a little. Too much dust buildup in heatsinks (cpu/gpu) or very hot room will also cause this.

The pentium cpu and the 1050ti are both going to struggle with some modern games and will produce low fps though. especially given high graphic settings ingame. They are low end parts

A Bios update will not affect/ fix this issue unless you are overclocking. Are you overclocking cpu or gpu?

Download the latest bios file,unpack it (it is a zip file), put it on an empty usb stick,put that stick into the pc,restart the pc, go into the bios ,use the update tool in the bios ("instant flash") to update,don't interfere until done. Don't use the internet flash method.