Low FPS and low GPU usage on mostly all games

Feb 5, 2019
Hello there!

I have been trying for a long time now to see if I myself could fix these issues. But I think it will be a better idea if I ask some experts. I'm not that good when it comes to hardware honestly, so I hope the information I have given is what is needed. If something is missing I'm sorry! I will try to find the information.

I know that laptops are not as good as a computer. But it just seems really odd that most of the games I play I have low fps or it just drops from 50 to 1 in a second. I also play most of them on low settings as well.

I can also see that my CPU always is at 100% and my GPU usage is around 50%. There are some games where it is 100% in GPU usage tho.

Almost every game I play it on low settings and I'm still getting lag spikes. One of them is Rust.
I got this laptop a year ago and it is plugged in.

I just feel that in the dummy here that don't know anything about what I'm talking about.

Model: Acer Aspire VX5-591G

Operating System
Windows 10 Home 64-bit

Intel Core i5-7300HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz
Cores 4

Micron Physical Memory 8ATF1G64HZ-2G3B1 8,00GB 1197MHz

KBL Wish_KLS (U3E1)

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
Intel HD Graphics 630


Alright. I will try do it and then post it in here! And thanks for the fast replay

What do you mean with clockspeed exactly?

I played 2 games. Dead By Daylight and Rust


On Lowest settings and fps is around 40 - 50
CPU is around 85-100% and temp is around 70-80.
GPU is around 70-100% and temp is around 50.

When Lagspikes appears in Rust the GPU goes down to 0 and fps goes also down and then up.
It lags almost constantly

Dead By Daylight:

Settings on medium
CPU is around 100% and temp is around 80-90.
GPU is around 60-85%

Big Lagspikes appears often

shall I download afterburner here?

And I suppose that can be the thing. Well... A month ago I thought that maybe also could be the reason.. So I bought this:

It just doesn't seem to actually cool it down
You are right that laptops do not perform as well as desktops. I have a laptop comparable to yours. Mine is an i7 with a GTX 960 4GB and I can tell you that performance is inferior to an i5 desktop with a 2GB GTX 760 from 2013. One thing that gaming laptops do is use both the onboard GPU that comes with Intel CPUs and the discrete GPU, which is the GTX 1050 in your case. The discrete GPU is used only for gaming or other graphically intensive uses. Maybe your laptop is having a problem where the discrete GPU doesn't kick in when it should.

You could start by reinstalling the latest drivers for both your 1050 from Nvidia's site and the Intel drivers. Intel has an app called Intel Driver Support Assistant which may help. Laptops have more than their share of incompatibilities and Windows bugs. I always do clean installs of Windows on my laptops and in the process delete proprietary drive partitions that come from the factory, but this may be more than you want to bother with. Most laptops have some sort of scheme for restoring it to its original state, which might be worth considering. Just remember to copy any files that can't be replaced to an external drive or cloud drive.