Low FPS every 20 seconds for 5-8 seconds

Jun 15, 2018
Hello, for the past year I've been dealing with these low fps every 20 seconds and it lasts usually around 5-8 seconds. This happens whenever I play any game, whether its online or not. I am sure its not ping. The thing is, I clearly remember disabling something or some things in my task manager back in April, and my low fps drop was gone for about 2 months!.... until a power outage, then after restarting the computer, the dreadful low fps every 20 seconds resumed. I notice that when I open task manager and I look at it WHILE playing any of my games, system, windows audio isolation graph and system interrupts is usually what pops to the top of the usage, then goes back down as my FPS return. could anyone please pin-point or help me out with this issue? any help at all is much appreciated!
Jun 15, 2018

I already ran Malwarebytes recently actually. I will look into windows defender again, but how do I manage with the heat? would I need to download something specific so it could monitor it and cool it down, or do I need to do something else?
Jun 15, 2018

I've downloaded speedfan, learned its basics and began playing a game once more. it doesn't exactly seem to do anything, even with my now adjusted fans/temp control, I still lose frames every 20 seconds. I'm beginning to think that something on my computer is just screwing with it. I even cleaned out my fans after opening up my computer, not much dust or any damage at all. But I clearly remember playing on my computer (back in april up until may until the sudden power outage) and being able to play every game without losing any frames, my problem was gone and it lasted two months... until my computer restarted. So I still dont think the issue is related to my computer overheating...