Low fps (GTX 560 ti)


Aug 9, 2016
I just got a used GTX 560 ti off of eBay, and my frame rate in the 3 games I played has just been horrible. Borderlands 2 ran around 20-30 fps when I tested it at 1080p, and 720p gave me like a 5-10 fps increase. Rocket league, high settings @ 1080p ran 60 fps at the menu, but when I got in game it ran around 10 fps, and in the menu after that, 20 fps. Turning down settings didn't do too much. CSGO ran around 30-40 fps @ 1080p low settings. Tried turning down to 720p and it actually got even worse. Anyone know why?

Maybe check your CPU usage using Task Manager while your playing just to make sure that it isn't your CPU. It should be able to handle CSGO fine but if there is something else running in the background, it could explain it.

Just opened up CS and it's running around 80-100 fps now. Huh. I just opened up afterburner and it says min: 37 and max: 46. And I did overclock my GPU.
I don't want my game to start running like shit again randomly again, anyone know why this happened?

And the drivers are installed? What are your specs also. It's odd that you're getting such low FPS.


Yeah, reinstalled drivers today just to make sure. My specs are pretty bad, but it should be able to run much better than it was. Core 2 Duo E8400 and 4GB RAM Anyways, CSGO has been running much better now, but I haven't checked other games

Maybe check your CPU usage using Task Manager while your playing just to make sure that it isn't your CPU. It should be able to handle CSGO fine but if there is something else running in the background, it could explain it.

Will do, thanks