I am using ASUS a451l, and lately I repaired my laptop, after i repair my laptop, suddenly its fps drop quite significantly i dont know why, I service the HDD storage because there's a problem with it and when I test it again, almost every games fps dropping, I assume its my RAM problem, so I add external 4gb RAM, but then the fps stills drop.
here is my laptop spec :
OS : Win 8.1 64 bit
Processor : Intel Core(TM) i7-4500CPU @1,80GHz(2CPUs), ~ 2,4 GHz
Memory : 8192MB RAM (use to be 4GB only)
Dir X : ver 11
GPU : Intel (R) HD Graphic Family, Nvdia GeForce GT 4500M
before repairing the laptop, my fps in almost every game is normal, lets say cs i've had around 120++ fps, but now it's barely reach 60, i dunno is it because the game it self updates its graphic, but i've lower the graphic settings in all game but the fps still drops.
I hope someone can help me with my laptop problem because it ran normaly while im not playing any game.THANKS!
I am using ASUS a451l, and lately I repaired my laptop, after i repair my laptop, suddenly its fps drop quite significantly i dont know why, I service the HDD storage because there's a problem with it and when I test it again, almost every games fps dropping, I assume its my RAM problem, so I add external 4gb RAM, but then the fps stills drop.
here is my laptop spec :
OS : Win 8.1 64 bit
Processor : Intel Core(TM) i7-4500CPU @1,80GHz(2CPUs), ~ 2,4 GHz
Memory : 8192MB RAM (use to be 4GB only)
Dir X : ver 11
GPU : Intel (R) HD Graphic Family, Nvdia GeForce GT 4500M
before repairing the laptop, my fps in almost every game is normal, lets say cs i've had around 120++ fps, but now it's barely reach 60, i dunno is it because the game it self updates its graphic, but i've lower the graphic settings in all game but the fps still drops.
I hope someone can help me with my laptop problem because it ran normaly while im not playing any game.THANKS!