low fps in battlefield 1 medium-high end pc


Apr 22, 2016
so i have i5 7600k and gtx 1080ti and 8gb ram and when i play on medium settings i get 30 to 50 fps and my pc specs are fairly good for bf1 and i should at least get 60 or 70 fps at medium settings so can you guys please help me
If you are playing at 4k those numbers are not terrible. If you are playing at less than 4k those numbers are indeed bad.

Alt Tab out during a match and look at the taks manager to see if your 8gb of ram is full and also see what your cpu utilization is. If something else is running in the background and eating up large amounts of cpu cycles, there is your problem.
Hi sultan_4,

First, with BF1, your CPU will not be powerfull enought to throw 200FPS while processing the game...
Then disable DX12 if it's on.

This is the only game, that i've seen, needing 8 threads to run smoothly without stutturing.

So to "limit" the CPU bottleneck, max every setting you can at an higher resolution. That will put an higher load on the GPU and "relaxe" the CPU.

Also 8Gigs of ram is becoming the low limit of what's needed nowadays.


no i only play 1080p and i will do what you said and see the ram usage and cpu but will 16gb rams make a huge difference like if i get another 8gb ram so it becomes 16gb will i jump from 30 to 40 fps on ultra to 60 to 70 on ultra?

i turned off the vsynce from the nvidia panel settings and from the game i also turned off threaded optimization and turned off triple buffering because i searched before for a solution but that didnt work

my resolution is 1080p thats the highest i can put because my monitor does not support higher than 1080p also i turned off and turned on DX12 and i felt like i got worst fps when it was on like it dropped to 20 fps on medium while on pubg a game thats not optimized i get 70 to 100 fps on high-ultra setting 1080p so its kinda weird i think you and the guys before said i need more ram but i dont know if an 8gb ram will make me jump from 40 to 50 fps to 60 to 70 fps

i have checked the ram usage and cpu usage when i was playing at medium setting 1080p the ram usage is 6.7 out of 7.9 gb ram and cpu usage is at 53% bf1 was using like 49% so the ram is not being fully used and same goes with cpu
so is it from the game or my system ?

Your computer is higher specc'd than mine, and I don't suffer with the same problems as you do.
I am not sure what the problem is.
Do you have any spare HD's kicking around? One thing I have done before to try and see if its software problem related is have a clean install of Windows on another HDD. Boot up into that, install the game and see how it goes. A bare minimum windows install. Just to test.

i checked again in ultra setting bf1 uses almost all the cpu and the same goes with the ram but on medium settings it doesnt use all cpu even though with DX12 off and i put my settings on ultra or medium i almost get the same fps

im not sure but my windows version is a non-genuine version of windows so does that have an effect?

Who knows, all sorts of junk and malware and viruses could be in your PC now. Presuming you're referring to a pirated copy instead of simply a non-activated one.

Unfortunately, if this is a pirated copy, our path ends here.

no its trail version but it ended so i have non-genuine version because its trail version i got it like that from the store that built my pc from
It's not just the amount of ram installed but rather the dual vs single channel of yours, assuming you are using a single 8gb stick. If you have an auto overclock profile for your cpu, disable it, later you can try a manual overclock. Reset to bios defaults and see if it fixes anything

ok i will try to do what told me and ill give you an answer if it works thanks :)

i have reset the BIOS settings and tried it again but nothing changed same fps even on lowest settings i only get 60fps
Are you sure you have an actual GTX 1080 ti? If you bought from Wish.com or a similar site you might have gotten a fake graphics card. I just can't imagine a GTX 1080 ti performing that bad even with your CPU and RAM. Try to run a 3Dmark firestrike test to see what score you get.

https://store.steampowered.com/app/223850/3DMark/ download demo.

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