Low FPS in BF3


Oct 28, 2011
Okay, normally I would ask something like this in the Battlefield forums, but that place is kinda of useless so I'll ask here. I'm having problems maintaining decent frame rates in Battlefield 3.
Here's my computer specs,
Motherboard : ASRock m3A770DE
CPU : AMD Phenom II X4 955e @ 3.2 Ghz
RAM : 8GBs of DDR3 RAM
Video Card : NVIDIA Geforce GTX 560
PSU : Corsair GS800w

If I select graphics settings low, it's hard to maintain 50 frames. Sometimes it will dip into the 40's. I used to be able to play medium settings and lock my frames at 60 and it would be pretty consistent. I have the latest stable drivers for nvidia, my other games I've played are fine, my cpu and gpu temps in-game are okay, and I regularly defrag and clean my computer.
OK, and to preface this it might just be better to go to a Battlefield specific forum, but I know sometimes the latest stable drivers, from AMD or NVDIA both, don't necesarily mean they are the best with different games. My understanding is the latest release was supposed to fix issues with the 7xx series cards in BF3, but maybe not so much help with the 5xx cards.

Have you tried a few versions back for your drivers?

Also in my experience, some BF3 updates that came out also had a bad affect on FPS and playability. 3 months after the game came out, there was a BF3 update that made it impossible for me to even run the game with my 5850 crossfire setup with AA turned on. Either I turned AA off and used crossfire, or turned it on and...
OK, and to preface this it might just be better to go to a Battlefield specific forum, but I know sometimes the latest stable drivers, from AMD or NVDIA both, don't necesarily mean they are the best with different games. My understanding is the latest release was supposed to fix issues with the 7xx series cards in BF3, but maybe not so much help with the 5xx cards.

Have you tried a few versions back for your drivers?

Also in my experience, some BF3 updates that came out also had a bad affect on FPS and playability. 3 months after the game came out, there was a BF3 update that made it impossible for me to even run the game with my 5850 crossfire setup with AA turned on. Either I turned AA off and used crossfire, or turned it on and disabled crossfire. I trolled some forums and found it was a common issue that AMD didn't fix with an update until a few months ago, right before I got my GTX 770...

Anyhow I would troll a bit in BF3 specific forums for your concern.

Total CPU Usage was drifting between 80-90%

GPU Load was drifting between 50-70%

It's just my frames while playing on low can range from 100+ down to 40's or 50's. I tried using Adaptive VSync in my Nvidia Control Panel to lock my fps to my screen refresh rate(75) but then my computer struggles to get 75 fps and usually stays at 40-60 fps. Are these normal frames for my system. I know from the looks I've of my CPU & GPU usage that there may be a bottleneck.

Honestly, I think the GeForce 314.07 Driver gave me the best results in Battlefield 3. I was considering switching back to those, but the drivers I have now give me better performance in Tomb Raider and in Far Cry 3. So I basically have to choose between which game gets the right drivers and which one(s) suffer.
I tried using a CFG file for more fps, but it didn't really help me. I still have the same problem that I described to Intel God.

Considering you used to play at medium no problems, I still think it's either a BF3 update that affects your card that NVIDIA hasn't fixed with an update yet, or it's just the NVIDIA update alone.

Low gpu usage always means a cpu bottleneck. Have you tried over clocking your processor?