Low fps in game

Ok good, now you know what the problem is so we just need to fix it :)

Its really up to you what you do next. You have 3 fixes available

1/ new 95w cpu (like the fx 6300 or 8320e)
2/ new motherboard like the one i linked earlier
3/ new mobo cpu and ram

Option 3, the cheapest i could recommend would be a pentium g4560 / b250 board and 8gb ddr4 - this would cost around $180.

I don't think any of them are a bad choice, it depends on you, your budget and your time really
Dude youre running a 125w cpu on a 95w motherboard, im surprised its even booted to windows. Check the cpu support list for your board, the 8350 isn't even on there

Your low fps is because your motherboard is getting too hot and throttling hard. I would suggest replacing the cpu motherboard and ram with something more modern ASAP
I've made an edit, placed the wrong motherboard
This one is mine, says that works with fx8350 https://www.asus.com/Motherboards/M5A78LM_LEUSB3/
My guess is its still throttling. You can confirm this yourself by downloading hwinfo64 and running it alongside a game. If your cpu clock speed drops at the same time the fps drops happen, its the board throttling

Assuming it is, you can either swap the 8350 for a 95w cpu like the 8320e, or replace the motherboard for something like this: https://m.newegg.com/products/N82E16813131873?nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-Skimlinks-_-na-_-na-_-na&AID=10446076&PID=3987228&SID=1402X558040Xc018a964cc14bd8e670534abb8ac82ff

I actually think swapping the cpu is quicker, easier and probably cheaper.
I will try what you said.
Why is cheaper to replace cpu instead of board ?

I've tested with hwinfo64, indeed... while my fps are going down, cpu clock speed too.
Just confirm that throttling is the issue first, from memory it will drop to 1.4ghz if its throttling.

Cpu swap is a 5 minute job, motherboard swap often needs a full windows reinstall. You should be able to get most of the cost of the cpu back by selling the 8350
Ok good, now you know what the problem is so we just need to fix it :)

Its really up to you what you do next. You have 3 fixes available

1/ new 95w cpu (like the fx 6300 or 8320e)
2/ new motherboard like the one i linked earlier
3/ new mobo cpu and ram

Option 3, the cheapest i could recommend would be a pentium g4560 / b250 board and 8gb ddr4 - this would cost around $180.

I don't think any of them are a bad choice, it depends on you, your budget and your time really
I will be able to play a game, stream, record and listen music ?

What do you think about this one ? https://www.asus.com/Motherboards/M5A99X_EVO_R20/