Low FPS in TF2?


Jul 31, 2008
My system is

2gb's Corsair xms2-Stock
650watt psu

I've been dropping all the way to around 35-40 FPS during normal to large fights. I have vsync on so otherwise it hangs out at 75. From reading around the internet, I think that may be slow for my system. Can anyone confirm this?

What resolution are you running the game at? For some reason in TF2, and a handful of other games, I've noticed that running the game at my monitors maximum resolution yields the highest framerate. I know people will probably jump all over me for this, but I've tried tf2 at various 16x10 resolutions and unless I'm running it at 1920x1200 my framerate drops to 40-50fps (as opposed to a solid 60 or above). Age of Conan is the same for me, which is really weird because that is a very demanding game to run ...

Also what's your line speed and what are your advanced video settings (AAxAF)?
For some reason in TF2, and a handful of other games, I've noticed that running the game at my monitors maximum resolution yields the highest framerate.

I dont have that size of resolution, but i've noticed the same in TF2 and the Half Life 2 games
is TF2 still fun?

i played for the first month or so it was out and then the last few times i played it was lame, people were camping in really cheap spots each time i played... and the better maps were hard to find running w\ more then a few people 🙁

2fort is just lame the last 3 times i tried playing it.
TF2 is VERY processor intensive. I've got a Core 2 Duo E6300 normally at 1.86ghz, but it is overclocked to 3.325ghz, and that made a HUGE difference. I also run an 8800GT. At 1680x1050 with everything maxed out I usually average about 50-60 FPS. Even in firefights. I recently upgrade to SLI 8800GT's but I didn't notice an increase at all!! All because my processor is currently the limit.

There is a way you can boost framerate -- almost double by enabling SMP in the game. HOWEVER, it is unstable for most. Some have gotten it to work completely stable, or crashing every 2-5 hours. If you don't play all day, this might be OK

See this thread over on the steamforums:

Make a autoexec.cfg (make sure it is .cfg and not .cfg.txt) file in your Steam\Steamapps\accountname\team fortress 2\tf\cfg folder. Paste all those commands in there.


mat_queue_mode "2" is the actual command, the other options are ways they try to make it more stable. Just that command alone works for some. Don't enter that in the console, make sure it is in the autoexec.cfg file i described above.
I havn't tried the mat_queue but I did notice something odd when I turned on a ultra high config. My FPS essentially doubled from 40 on the 2fort bridge to about 75. I don't think I should have a performance INCREASE form using this.
all the way down to 35-40 fps? dude. youve gotta be shitting me. i would KILL to have that be the frame rate my computer drops down too when im playing team fortress. seriously. i only get about 15 seconds of MAYBE 25fps and then it drops down to 4 or 5 fps for about 10 minutes, then goes back to 25 again for another 15 seconds. i checked and i have all the hardware requirements but for some reason this $1200 piece of crap cant even run it on the lowest graphics settings in the smallest window