Low FPS in World of Warcraft (Raiding)


Feb 25, 2013
my setup is the following:

i5-3570k @4.2ghz

ASRock Extreme 4 Z77

8g Crucial Ballistix Sport 1600

EVGA 660 Ti FTW Signature 2

everything runs below 60c while in game and raiding

my resolution is 1080 and in the open world I can reach 200+ FPS

On graphic intense fights I will drop to around 35-40 FPS in a 25man raid.

I bought this card to replace my HD 6850 which was getting 20-25 fps with lower settings.

I want to raid on ultra but I dont want to go below 60fps doing so.

My GPU usage doesn't even get used to a full 100% What the heck???

My CPU doesn't max out at 100% either.

please help? should I have gotten a GTX 670? maybe SLI 660 Tis?

I'm assuming that's a 64-bit version since you have 8GB of ram installed. (Unless it's a 32-bit version, in which case, you will not be fully utilizing your ram.)

This could be due to a couple of things: the add-ons that you have installed, the gpu drivers that may not be updated, or the map that you are doing raids in.