Low FPS issues

Sep 12, 2018
Not sure what is currently causing my FPS issues i'm running around 110 fps playing starcraft then as the game progresses I'm getting closer to 30fps current graphics settings are default high.

Originally I thought is was my Sapphire R9 290 overheating at 90C so I replaced it with a GeForce 1070 and still having fps issues

Here are my specs which I input into pcpartpicker.com and it says they are compatible:

MOBO: Gigabyte H97M0HD3
GPU: MSI GTX 1070 Armour OC Edition 8GB GDDR5
PSU: Seasonic 620W 80+Bronze
Processor: Intel i5 4460
Ram: Not 100% but its a 8gb stick

Temps Idle:
CPU: 32C
GPU: 46C

Under load nothing is above 60c
My ram usage is at 80% under load but I've been using the same build other than GPU for 3 years with no issues. I use a CAM app to monitor my PC speeds and temps and sometimes they are jumping radically.

All NVIDIA drivers are up to date and windows is as well.
Starcraft II performs in a single core of the CPUs, so it is using basically a fourth of your four-cored processor. Just bad engine programming. I think remember that the game indicates which settings load your CPU and which your GPU. Anyway, I'm 100% sure that physics load heavily the CPU. Start lowering that setting and try the others which load the CPU. Anyway you will probably get performance drops when lots of units crowd the match.


I'm experiencing this issue across multiple games. My first thought was heat issues since I started out at good FPS then it dropped heavily from there. Adding a new GPU resolved my heat issues but the problem of FPS drops continued, I don't think having 80% ram usage under load is my problem. I thought maybe malware may be causing it so I hard reset the PC reinstalled windows, drivers, etc. I need to reinstall games and see if the problem remains.

I have a fresh install on the GPU since it is brand new, I'll try this when I get a chance. I've updated the drivers multiple times and did a fresh wipe reinstalled windows.