Low FPS on CSGO, good fps on any other game

So...DOOM runs slower than CS:GO, but you "feel" like CS:GO is the slower one?

I'm going to go out on a limb & say that there's nothing that can be done (tweak-wise, hardware upgrade, driver update, etc.) that is going to change that...because that's your personal opinion vs. the actual facts.

What i meant was that i think CSGO should run ALOT better with my hardware and doom is performing as it should.
And yes i kind of agree with you, CSGO is just so badly optimized.
My experience is that you need to overclocking the 6600k, it seems that cago is heavily depended on core frequency, the higher you can go, the better it is.

I have a 6600k too, I can notice the tgat game runs smoother when I oc it above 4.2 ghz.

Sounds like you are feeling "input lag" not FPS lag. You should try setting your Maximum pre-rendered frames to 1 and see if that clears up your input lag.

i had more fps like a month ago i've always had like 200-400fps and it already is set to 1
Okay i disabled Intel Speedstep or whatever it's called and the game feels alot smoother even though the frames didn't improve that much. But now i am experiencing screen flickering on desktop and it annoys me.