Low fps on GTX 1070, i5 4590, PCI E 2.0 @ 16X


Mar 3, 2014
Specs are

Founders Edition GTX 1070 or reference blah blah.

i5 4590 @ 3.6 Ghz

8GB Ram

Motherboard is running at 2.0 PCIE 16X Speed.

I am getting 60 Fps average with witcher 3 in novagrad with hairworks on and all things maxed on witcher 3.

On Assassins creed unity i am getting 44 FPS average maxed out. with dips to 39.

Im on 1080P. Whats my problem ?!?!? My motherboard, CPU and now my GPU are all brand new...

I tried crysis 3 and i mostly get 60-100 FPS but in grass areas and such it dips down to 40-46.

What is my bottleneck?

All help is apreciated.
your i5 is not a problem, I have a gtx 960 And I get a little more FPS than that xD

Uninstall all of your GPU drivers and then install new ones again through geforce

Yeah man I'm certain. What was weird was that windows automatically installed the latest 1070 driver for me .I installed grforce and it already said I have the latest driver for the 1070 when I didn't even install it. So yeah.

What motherboard are you using?

Grforce experience does say I have the latest avalible drivers though. Maybe it's just my weak CPU ? Idk... or maybe the benchers were using i7s to do theirs. Just wish the performance was better for me 🙁
I am using a gigabyte h18 M s2h which only supported pcie 2.0 16x speed which id equivalent to pcie 3.0 at 8x speed. According to nvidia tool I'm utilizing 98-100% of GPU In witcher 3 with 50-60% CPU usage .

It's definitely not throttling , the CPU itself isn't exactly new. I recently applied thermal paste and added a after market cooler to it. Temps are max 61 degrees while gaming at turbo clock speed ~3.6

Yeah GPU usage is 99% in witcher 3 and 99 % in most games. My CPU is getting around 60-70% usage in witcher 3.

The GPU usage at 99% and with 1070 that means only one drives and latests seams are not that good. I run Witcher 3 at max on my configuration and dont have that problems. Unfortunately you cant do much you could try to install drives old/new to find good one for you. Other think you should check if the game is optimize for 1070 because that could be issue too.

I don't quite know what you mean sorry but I'm thinking that maybe my i5 4590 is the bottleneck. As I can't get good fps on AC unity. Or the 1070 is just over hyped ?
I dont see why the CPU will be the bottle neck because you say your CPU is on 60-70% . If the issue is in CPU you will get like 99-100% . But you are the expert, one think why you even get 1070 on 1080p monitor there is no point special when you are not using DDR4 it is overkill. My advise is to wait for better drives there is not many drives for 1070 and 1080 and the first will always have some performance issues.