Low FPS on High End Pc: MInecraft and tf2


Jan 7, 2014
A week ago, I used to easily hit 600+ fps in minecraft and hit the 300 fps cap on tf2 on maximum settings. My specs are:

144hz asus monitor
i7 4790k @ 4.4ghz
8gb ram 1866mhz
2x Gtx 760 SC ACX 2gb

For the past two days, my computer gets higher fps in battlefield 4 than in minecraft and tf2. I have two monitors and when I launcher either game, both screens glitch out a bit and change different shades of black before returning to normal and launching the game. In tf2, for the first 3 seconds my fps is normal then it drops into the 120 - 40 fps range. Since I have a 144hz monitor, I notice this frequent fluctuation, making the games almost unplayable (for me). Same with minecraft.

The odd thing about this is that all my other games are fine. I even deleted java and reinstalled it for minecraft and I got nothing. Reinstalled tf2 and nothing again. Has anyone else had this problem and if so, what was your/their solution? Thanks!
One game or another is changing the resolution on you. Make sure all of the games are set to your monitors native resolution. I suspect that Geforce Experience set one or more of the games to super-sample at 3840x2160, and then scales that back down to whatever resolution your monitor actually displays. I know it did it here to two of my games. I had to manually change the resolution settings back to what my monitor runs at to get the flashing to stop.

Do I change this setting in Geforce Experience? TF2 is set to 1920x1080 and no indication of being rendered in 4k and then down scaled. Minecraft doesnt even show up. Do I have to use Nvidia control panel to make program specific adjustments or something?

Geforce Experience settings are set by Nvidia. I have used their settings at times, and each time, I have later gone back to the settings in-game, and lowered at least some of them. For example, I do nothing anyone at Nvidia played World of Warcraft in a raiding situation when they setup their settings. I raid multiple times a night, and the Nvidia setting just cause all kinds of low FPS numbers when raiding. Out in the wilds, yes, things look great. So use things Geforce Experience sets with a grain of salt, and if you start getting less than ideal FPS numbers, go into the games graphics settings and lower the settings some.

I am going to point you to a thread where I have been helping someone that was getting horrible FPS and stuttering when they played GTA V. I know its not what you are having issues with, but look at the suggestions I made to him, and look at his comments further down in the thread. I think after you read that, you will understand how much graphics settings can affect your game play.


No frame rate difference. I lowered all the settings and plus I never used more than 700mb of memory. Any other ideas? OH I FORGOT. This started happening after my ATT U-Verse internet tv stopped working and they reset everything. In single player training, my frame rates are smooth at 144 frames, but are significantly lower than usual (used to be 300 now 144 barely.) Also, in battlefield 4, I max out everything and hit solid 100 fps no problem. 8x MSAA. No problem. High Antialiasing post. I destroy it. But with tf2 and minecraft? lowest settings = 30 -40 fps best.

I did a speedtest and it is the usual 22-23 mbps. I will check window sdproxy settings and firewalls however to see if it blocking packets or something like that.
Yup. Nothing. No improvement from that. I will update my drivers again (maybe corrupted files?) and I will try to redownload steam again. Minecraft isnt changing aswell. I used to get 600+ frames in mc and 300+ in tf2 and now I get more fps on ultra settings in bf4 at 113 fps than I do on both games where I struggle to get 30-40 on tf2 and 60-70 on mc!!!
I do not have an answer for you right now.... BUT... 300 FPS five times higher than your monitor can display anyways. 600 FPS was 10 times what your monitor can display. Except for the fact that your FPS numbers have changed, how are the games when actually playing them?

The game looks the same it is just unplayable because of the framerate. Btw my monitor is 144hz so it is only 4 times what my monitor can display. That is why I notice it. I am used to playing at 144fps constant but going back to 30hz or 60hz is IMPOSSIBLE for me at this point. That is why I want to fix these!!
you've done everything I would have suggested. I would suspect that they patched the game or something, and that caused this.

The one thing that is sticking in my mind is that you say the screens change colors and flicker when you load the games. That tells me that the resolution of the screens are changing. And I firmly believe that whatever is doing that, is what is causing this. But I cannot see your games, your desktop, or any of those things. You are going to need to find whatever this is. Once you do, the flashing and color changing will stop happening, and I believe you will get your insanely high FPS numbers back.