Low FPS on high end pc


Mar 21, 2016
I have been having issues with my PC ever since I built it in that I frequently get worse fps and stuttering issues on my computer, compared to friends playing the same game on the same hardware. The only difference between my pc and my friend's is that I have a WD Green with most of my games installed on it, and he has a WD Blue but I don't know if this would be enough to cause the issues I am having. In some games like Dark Souls or CSGO I just have generally lower fps and experience stuttering, but in something like Gary's mod I literally get 10-20 fps. I figure something has to be wrong with one of the components in my rig but I am not sure how to determine which part is the issue. All my drivers are updated regularly.

MSI Gtx 970 graphics card
i5-4690k cpu
8 Gb G.SKILL Ripjaws X series RAM
MSI Z97-G45 gaming Mobo
Corsair 550 Watt Power supply