Low FPS on Just Cause 3


May 11, 2015
Before I start; my drivers are up to date. I have tried a whole bunch of things. My hdd is quite full (600/750gb). I have restarted my computer, the game etc.

Recently, there was a steam midweek sale, and I bought Just Cause 3 XL for around 20 dollars. I have played the game on a friend's PS4, and I loved the experience. I decided to get it, and I thought I was in for a smooth ride. Unfortunately, my system ran it at ~20 fps, making it virtually unplayable.

There was not much of a fps when changing settings, so that wasn't the problem. Currently, I'm running an i5-4690k with 16gb of DDR3 RAM @ 1866Mhz. My graphics card is an EVGA superclocked 980. I'm running it on a 1080p monitor.

I have tried many games in the past with success, Bioshock Infinite, GTA V, and Minecraft with shaders. Just cause 3 was a game I was really looking forward too, and now that it's virtually unplayable, I had to dump yet another amazing game. I have seen others with the same specs, run this game perfectly, and even NVIDIA's website states that this card can get 60+fps, max on 1440p. I have no idea as to why it isn't achieving nearly as high performance as that.

It really annoys me that I have wasted money and time, into something I could have enjoyed.
I actually bought it yesterday, and i too got bad performance... it is not uncommon apparently. Personally i chalk it up to poorly optimised code since my hardware should be more than capable, and is so in more demanding games. Therefore i suggest you do what i did, request a refund from steam... as long as you haven't played more than 2 hours.
Post full specs

Post your temperatures (Both CPU and GPU), to check nothing is overheating.

Check CPU/GPU utilization in Afterburner

Which driver version are you using and which other drivers have you tried? If you have tried other drivers, how have you uninstalled your drivers first?

How are other games performing?

Any improvement when you lower your settings?