low fps on my new r9 390x


Mar 20, 2016
I just bought a r9 390x because i got a good deal on it. I have a fx 8230 overclocked at 4.3 which is not running at 100% when playing so its not a cpu bottleneck. The gpu is running at 100% on world of warcraft getting 17 fps on high settings. It looks like the core clock is running really low at like 600 mhz most of the time and will occasionally spike to 1100 mhz. What could the problem be?
any other games running bad? May need to disable ANY addons you are using then reload the game and if its better then re enable the addons. I would try a different game and see what the results are. That will help us much more. Also report gpu temps.
Probably during 50c load because these issues were while gaming. Just tell us when you can idle temps and gaming temps. Sounds to me like driver issues. I would perform a complete fresh install after cleaning out the pc of any old drivers then do a clean install.