[SOLVED] Low fps on pubg

Jan 21, 2019

I recently bought a geforce gtx 1070 8gb armor oc, but i have an i5 3470 prosessor.

And if i play pubg my frames average at about 30 fps, with low graphics.

Can my prosessor really bottleneck my gpu that much?

Does anyone know what can also be the cause of this?

Any advise would be appreciated.
Are you monitoring CPU/GPU/RAM usage in-game?

What are your full system specs?

As you lower settings, you're putting more demand on the CPU itself...... what happens when you *increase* settings, opposed to "low".

PUBG is an open-world title, so more CPU intensive than anything else.

Your CPU will likely hold back a 1070 in a decent number of instances, PUBG being one of them, but not to the point of crippling the card, I woudln't expect.
Thanx for your reply

My system specs are: i5 3470 3.2ghz
500w psu
16gb ram
2Tb Hdd
Geforce gtx 1070 8gb armor
and im not sure about the motherboard

My cpu runs at about 29 percent ingame.
It is slightly better if i put my graphics to high and ultra.
I had a msi radeon R9 380 4gb, and yes i did uninstall the previous drivers by using DDR,

Im not sure of the brand of the psu its a old shitty one called e3 or made in china psu.

I had trouble installing my geforce drivers, so someone else also advised me to reinstall all my drivers with ddu, and my windows aswell

I will let you know if that works.

Thanks for your help.