Low FPS problem with new components


Jul 27, 2017
I am writing this post in order to see what is wrong with my pc or where the problem is. I've made a custom build PC but apparently when I play CS:GO I don't have more than 30-50 fps, as well as GTA V max 25-30 fps. I want to mention that all the settings are on very low values, only the screen resolution is set to 1920x1080 as the native resolution. Since I'm using windows 10 i cannot get in CS more then 50 fps, on windows 7 it was the same problem. I also would like to mention that I unparked the cores, done some settings on nvidia control panel which i found on the Internet aaaaanndd this setup was built in 01.01.2017....
I was thinking of buying a new graphics card, a 1060 with 6 gb. Any thoughts on that? Good investment or bad?

Pc Specs

CPU: Amd fx 6300 non OC and will not oc
MoBo: Msi 970 Gaming
GPU: Nvidia GTX 750 ti low profile
Ram: Hyper x 8gbr (1866)
Cooler: Deepcool maelstrom 120t
Hdd 1tb 7200 rpm 64 mb cache sata 3
Source 400 w segotep sg 400a
OS Windows 10
Monitor Benq 21,5 full hd

Download: 112,74 mb/s
Up: 23,04 mb/s
Ping: 21 ms

In game CS\
ping 50-60
lag spikes
1 nade 1 smoke and it freezes

Can someone pleas help me identify the main problem why my pc cannot run constantly 60 fps in cs?
I also built it on pcbuilder and as soon as i addet the gpu and cpu it said that they were incompatible which i think is highly unlikely....

Thanks in advance for your help and sorry for wasting your time with this post which you may have seen before or similar...
your gpu is just above using nondeticated a gpu, so you should see a significant upgrade in preformance with the 1060 6gb... also doubt the quality of your psu. What temps are you getting when playing csgo? Im no AMD expert but i think the 6300 is a power hungry hot little bastard.
@Pete_101 i tried reinstalling windows, reinstalling drivers, same result. I will try to do the test as soon as I'll have my PC back to Windows 7 and I will post the benchmark here.

@BringerOfTea I have watercooling on my pc so the temperature is stabele, did not notice to go above 35 degrees. Iwas thinking between getting an ssd to run windows on and 2 paltes of 8 GBRAM and getting another gpu. I really don't know what's stopping my pc to get at least 60 frames when it was built brand new... Am I expecting too much out of it?

BTW thank you botth for the replies and your time!
Wow, there is something using your CPU. If I had to guess, there has been some software (virus) installed on your computer that is using almost all your CPU's processing power.....maybe some kind of mining software.

If it was my computer, I would do a clean install of my OS to remove all traces of this unwanted software.
I just did a new installation of the OS, went back to Windows 7. I think that the cpu is at the very low and and therfore i should upgrate to an Intel i7... I guess it a better decision rather then upgrading the gpu and bottlenecking the cpu....
Ok, if that's what you want to do. It seems strange to me that an fx 6300 can't run a GTX 750Ti properly, it should be more than enough. That userbenchmark test shows very high CPU usage, something just isn't right there.

Also, I want to make sure you do realize by upgrading to an i7, you are basically building a whole new computer as you can't keep that motherboard and RAM, and a GTX 750Ti is very weak compared to the i7 you'll be getting.

@pete_101 i want to show you something strange which is very atrange. I went on https://pcpartpicker.com/list/ and tried to build my pc. As soon as I add the cpu and the MoBo a message pops up that they are not compatible and if i select another MoBo everything is fine. Regarding the change, I do realize that, 8 also realize that i shouldn't have made a budget build from the start and save up more money...
What would you do if you were in this situation because i don't know what to check anymore to see where the problem can be?
Check "Resource Monitor" and see what's using the CPU. If you don't know how to find it, start the task manager (with alt, ctrl, delete), click on the performance tab, and Resource monitor is at the bottom, click on it. Then check the CPU tab and look at the top few programs, as they will be the ones using your CPU and see what happening.


So i just did what you told me and the top few programs are the following: Discord, svchost, System interrupts, perfmon, csrss, chromebut i don't keep it opened when playing, audiodg, wmiprvse and tuneuputilities, not in a particular order...
Ok, so the top program is "Discord"? You should look to remove it, and here's why http://www.file.net/process/discord.exe.html


Nonsense and hersay... discord is at app for voicecom https://discordapp.com/

So after I've done some good research I found the Problem. There is a switch on the main board where it says ''slow mode''. Apparently the switch was on, after switching it back i get a minimum of 50 fps and a max of almost 200 fps. Thank you to each and everyone of you who took their time to try and help me!!.
1. look online on youtube on fx 8350 and gta 5. most of the gta's from 4 on up are cpu driven more than gpu. 2. i would also add maybe 4 or 8 gigs more ram. 3. for cs:go. if ur playing online. you may want to drop the res to 720p to 900p. you really dont need eye candy for online play. last it just may be the server too. i play bf3 online and run a fx 8310 and get 190fps, but thats because i dropped the res to 900p