Low fps, rendering problems with decent build


Oct 23, 2017
Currently having multiple fps issues along with rendering.. I recently swapped out a Thermaltake 850w for a Rm1000x Corsair and noticed it back then.. I took my computer in a while ago to have it professionally swapped over and had an issue with my SSD then but after reformatting it went away.. After I recently swapped these power supplies and added another monitor i've noticed I went from having 200+ fps in LOL to around 150 at times 90.. I then swapped back to the previous power supply and nothing has changed.. so I guess im stuck!

It's also become very noticeable in another game I play PUBG. At times in very low settings I'll dip to 60 fps when before this never was an issue.

I've also watched temps throughout gaming and have noticed nothing getting overheated..

Current Specs:
I7 7700k
Msi sli z270
Gtx 1080 Asus Turbo
Gtx 1080 Gigabyte Turbo
32gb Corsair Veng Ram
Thermaltake rgb 850w PS
(1000w Rmx Corsair)-- I'd like to go back too..

Montiors if this matters:
Alienware AW2518HF
Acer XFA240
Asus VG245

I have done this... should I post my temps just incase? I've reseated everything as well.. and ran some benchmarks and watch temps while I'm playing!