Low fps with a 390


Mar 29, 2014
Hi, I have an I7 3820, a 390 and 16 gigs of ram. On a lot of games I am getting mid 20 fps. Games such as a project zomboid, minecraft and wolfenstien to name a few. I am at a loss on what to do, I've looked at my cpu usage and it doesn't hit 100% nor does my memory. I have a SSD and I have updated my drivers to the latest version. I've truly tried everything I possible can think of. Do you guys have any suggestions? I figured getting the 390 would fix it coming from a 7870, but I've found it hasnt helped much at all. Could it be because I have more than 2 hard drives as storage? Is there something the motherboard could be doing? The processor doesn't have intergrated graphics so I don't see that being the issue. Rainbow six siege runs at a fairly consistent 55-60 fps. I've just about given up on this pc and will build another one and use this for target practice. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I never get replies on this forum, but maybe 3rd time is the charm.

(Also for note, I did allocate more ram for minecraft, still the same issues.)

did a clean uninstall of the old drivers?

installed the newest from the amd website?

do you have the proper version of java for your operating system, and only a single version is installed?

are you monitoring cpu and gpu temps?

Yes, I have even done a clean install of Windows.
Temps are all fine. I am using the MSI suite to monitor them.
I have 64 bit java installed on a 64 bit OS.
All drivers did come from the AMD website.
I also just decided to try Tomb Raider at the absolute highest settings and it never dropped below 45 fps, further adding to my confusion and frustration.

have you updated the bios?

make and model of the power supply?

usually when you are getting such low fps it is due to cpu or gpu thermal throttling or power settings set to balanced and such

is you windows set to high performance under the power options?

have you run a hard drive health scan?

The power supply is an 800w, forget the brand name.
The bios is something I never considered updating, I am not quite sure on how to do that.
The SSD is less than three months old so I have not ran a health check on it.
As for high performance under power options... I didn't know that existed on a desktop. I will check.

Apparently it's an Xtremegear 800w, which I'm now seeing is known for being pretty horrible. Is there a way to see if this could be causing the issue? The computer was given to me with all the components, all I've added is the SSD and new video card.

This is actually the pc that was given to me. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883229373
I'll look into buying a new one, that still doesn't really make sense why games such as siege and tomb raider play really well with high fps and games such as minecraft, project zomboid and wolfenstien play awfully though.
why there are so many similar kind of problems???
uninstall and reinstall usually not solving the problem, what is really the issue?? I am so worried of building up my own pc. Is this kind of thing very often? Or just a small percentage of pc builders??