Low FPS with a STRIX 970 :(


May 3, 2016
Hey, I'm having an issue with my GPU.. I installed the drivers, optimized my games and I still get low fps in games such as GTA V , The division, Far Cry Primal and Euro Truck Simulator 2.. 🙁 Specs : Maximus VIII Hero ; H80i GT Hydro Series ; i5 6600K ; 16GB DDR4 2800 ; CS750M PSU ; STRIX 970 ; Windows 10 64 .

The thing that is weird to me is that I did a 2199 score on unigine valley and it ran perfectly well but on games she just doesn't want to work properly !!

Any help would be amazing !


What settings are you running on the games, and what type of performance are you getting?

Also, when you are playing, what are the temperatures of both your CPU and GPU and what are the core clocks on them both.
So, I tested both here the screenshots.

The settings : https://gyazo.com/55d5463c3c76a012c5ce0c35d8efa11a
Graph while playing : https://gyazo.com/ad26ad6ca64b2fda3e5b367a39ad9a19
Temps and clock MHz CPU (Check the 3rd temps and core clocks it's the max so that's when I played, because I checked the bnchmrks after playing. : https://gyazo.com/ac747494c424e075c3eba63d18ab8dd3
GPU Usage and temps (Same look 3rd temp and clock etc.. ) : https://gyazo.com/09f34b690301265b9dea0064e1c12f61
GTA V Settings : https://gyazo.com/61496d8e07b42082247ba83138cfcd6e ; https://gyazo.com/8e3f5726b19ea5be3145ed09aa816a53 ; https://gyazo.com/2c750d12cf95aae52dcff4bd14d0ad98 ; https://gyazo.com/face1a80a35edba377566095928c5022

As you can see on the GTA V screenshots the GPU was at 91 %. I had 60 FPS constant and then a few seconds later it just dropped at 40 - 35 and stayed like that..... (The msi afterburner settings are pretty weird tho)

I hope I gave enough information, tell me if you need something else, you're welcome.

I was on a live chat with Nvidia that's what they told me to do and nothing changed I need to install new ones now since it doesn't really change.

For GTA, it looks like you are using pretty ambitious settings for a 970. Try turning MSAA down to 2x or off and in the advanced tab, dial the sliders down.

Also I noticed that in MSI afterburner that you have underclocked your GPU by 63 Mhz, is there any reason for that?
Can you show my just the GPU Core Clock graph aswell, so I can see the values.


Well I just downloaded it, it was like this on default... I'm optimizing to High for textures and 2x for MSAA.
I can say that after installing the newest drivers It's a bit better and probably because I also turned the settings down but still it isn't good ! I don't get a 60 fps fluid game with a goddamn strix 970.. 🙁

GPU Stats with police chasing me helicos etc.. (3rd stats on the line are the MAX that the component has reached) : https://gyazo.com/23f841f9074ac12c38c5abf806bdd158
CPU Stats ( Same, 3rd stats always show the MAX performance that the CPU Had ) : https://gyazo.com/b9f3b2ba12f2a79e75edb51ac99536ae
The temps are pretty normal for a load..
Try going into Nvidia Control Panel, by right clicking on your desktop, go to manage 3D settings, then under power management mode, select Prefer Maximum Performance.

See if that improves the game at all. ( Make sure you restart the game to do this )

I get some 60 but really not constant dips to 45-51-60 and so on... 🙁


I tried on The division, it can be 60 Fps sometimes and then 40-45. I tried to boost the clock etc.. and the gpu driver crashed . Now I don't see the clock etc.. All is on 0. 🙁 Help / The GPU isn't recognized anymore.. but still works
What do you mean by everything is 0? I'm guessing the driver crashed when you overclocked it too far, normally it recovers right away.

If it is still all 0 after a restart, go into your device manager and look under DIsplay Adaptors. Upload a screenshot.
Hmm, that is a bit weird.
When you overclocked it did you touch the voltage at all? If so, how much did you bump it up.

I would try a driver reinstall if the issue persists. Using Display Driver Uninstaller [ DDU ].

Yeah the drivers crashed and got corrupted probably. I reinstalled them everything back to normal now.

I'll do that tomorrow I gotta go now, sorry. I'll run 3D mark tomorrow.


Well can you send me a download for 3DMark Firestrike ? I can't find it, I only find some basic stuff and no Firestrike..

Here is a download foe the free version: http://www.guru3d.com/files_details/3dmark_download.html

So here are the results : https://gyazo.com/77048fff666da3c85be2a6a5382e43c6
I don't know if it's good or bad so..