So I basically have pretty a pretty good pc, but I get low fps on most games, I have an Rx 480 4gb, ryzen 1600 at stock, 8gb corsair vengeance 2x4 3000 mhz ram, 600 watt psu, 1tb hdd from toshiba, and a b350 fatal1ty. I went from a fx 8350 with 8 gb of ram and My performance went up like 10-20 fps max. On Gta5 I get worse fps than I did with my old rig, everything at medium and i get around 30-40 fps, On rocket league instead of 200 fps on max settings now i get 160 fps on no where near max settings. Battlegrounds, I thought it would be good but same thing, I get around 50-60 fps and my old rig got around the same, but 50-80, I also get micro stutters even if my framerate is over 60+, It doesn't feel smooth, I don't know what the issue is and I need help.