Low FPS With GTX 970 (every Game)


Jul 10, 2015
Hello, First time posting here long time lurker (lol) ive been reading up on GTX 970's to see why mine decided to shit the bed (or something). only just 3 days ago I was able to play all my games at a pretty steady frame rate. but as of yesterday when I tried to play skyrim it wouldn't go over 30 FPS, AND THAT WAS THE LOAD SCREEN. in game it dropped to anywhere between 2-21 FPS. I thought it was the game so I reinstalled it and today I am getting the same issue in every game. BF4, BFH, Left for dead 2, Rust, Dayz, Wolfenstein, I thought maybe I need to turn my settings down so in Wolfenstein I turned everything to low, and saw a 5fps boost to 24 FPS max. I did a 3d mark benchmark (http://www.3dmark.com/3dm/7696292?) it seems extremely low, seeing as the oculus benchmark is like my exact computer and it gets a 9k+ score. I have been doing a lot of research checking power management and reinstalling drivers, I just bumped myself up to windows 10 (because I didn't have my windows 8 disc) and it got only slightly better (actually going over 30 FPS but never staying for more then a second).

Ive got:

Intel i5 4690
GTX 970
MSI gaming 3 MOBO
16gb DDR3
125 SSD (with the OS on it)
1tb HDD (for everything else)
Okay first off, is your monitor plugged into the GPU and not the motherboard?
Do you have the latest drivers for your GPU from Nvidia?
What resolution are you playing at?
Have you been monitoring your temps of both your GPU and CPU?
What is the make and model of your PSU?

I noticed that not only is your graphics score (GPU) low, but so is physics score (CPU). This leads me to believe that it is a power restricting issue. Go to the search bar for windows and search for "Power Options". Ensure that it is on balanced and not power saver.
I had checked everything. Or so I thought brought up hwmonitor after starting my computer up from being off for 2 hours, come to find out that my cpu was idling at 99c, opened my case up and I find my cpu fan just wiggling on top my push pins broke some how and the heatsink was no longer connected, so I took an air compressor to everything and now I am on my way to get new pins or a new fan thanks for ur help, you made me double check myself
Itried to run GTA V with Intel 8284G GPU
then the GPU burned , the case burning it was on fire ,after the flames stopped I opened the case the GPU was completely fucked up, all of this just because of a game!!!!!!
I need to replace the GPU my budget is around 250$ what should I get ?
And there's your problem 😛

You are definitely going to need a new PSU. This is another reason your FPS was low.

This is why I asked in my first post what PSU you had 😛

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Video Card: PowerColor Radeon R9 380 4GB PCS+ Video Card ($203.98 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: Antec Neo Eco 620W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($59.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $263.97
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-08-08 19:06 EDT-0400