I could be wrong and just expecting too much but I feel like I'm getting a lower than normal fps with this setup: an ASUS Strix GTX 970, i5 3570k at stock speed of 3.4ghz, 8GB of Corsair XMS RAM, a Rosewill RD700 700W PSU. I'm also playing at 1080p and the game I'm currently using to kinda benchmark is Battlefield 4 on ultra settings. On most maps I get about 60ish average fps with some spikes to around 70 or 80 fps, and frequent drops to 50 and at times the high 40s. Could it just be my cpu that just isn't overclocked and this is the fps I should expect with my setup or is their something wrong? I checked throughout the web and the average fps for this game with my card and setup is 70ish. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.