Low Frame Rate And Stutter When Playing Any Game


Feb 21, 2015
Current System Specs:
Intel i7 4790k @ 4.0 GHz
MSI Gaming 3 Motherboard
G.SKILL Sniper Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3
Western Digital 1TB 7200RPM HDD 64MB Cache
Cooler Master Silent Pro M2 850W PSU 80+ Silver Cert. w/semi-modular cables

Recently on any game that I have been trying to run I have been getting really low frames and a high stutter ,while before I was getting 60+ fps when playing.
(Games: ARMA 2/3, Farcry 3, Splinter Cell Blacklist, Wargame: Red Dragon, Insurgency, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat w/Misery mod.)
On MSI Afterburner all CPU cores are at 89+ celcious and 70+% usage (Minor Load)

Please Help

Pretty sure. The fan isn't having a problem running.

All of these parts are nearly brand new. Bought in December as a gift for Christmas. I'll go buy some cleaning stuff and get back to you.
ok. we can bug test this situation thuroughly if you'd like. i was simply tossing out the most likely cause, based on the info provided. at around 90C haswell cpus start to SELF throttle, and they do it very quickly, you won't know they're throttling unless you know what to look for. Many early reviewers of haswell cpus overclocked their chips and declared certain overclocks to be achievable (4.8GHZ!) easily and never noticed that their haswell was temp throttling badly. If it can fool a professional reviewer it can fool most people.

So we gotta eliminate all the likely suspects and run down your issue. first we'll start with temps, then we'll move on from there.

Alright lets do it. What's first?

first download a program called OCCT

it's a linepack stress testing tool similar to Intel Burn Test, you're going to install it and run it. part of the beauty of OCCT is it will give you a realtime readout of your cpu/mb temps as well as load levels on your ram and cpu... AND your cpu's clock speed. if your cpu is temp throttling this will show you pretty quickly.

no need to run the test any longer once the cpu starts to temp throttle. frankly running it longer then 20 minutes probably isn't necessary, because the game that can stress your cpu like that doesn't exist. i suspect if there is a temp issue it will become apparent in less then 5 minutes. so watch the readouts, and let me know how it goes.

we'll progress from that point.

Something for you to try IF it is overheating/throttling durring the test,
-pop the side of your case off
-stick a room fan in the opening running full blast
-start the test over and see if the system still starts to overheat.
-let me know how it goes.